Are you familiar with the “Kiss Principle”? No, not the Hard rock, heavy metal, shock rock, glam metal band with Gene Simmons' tongue. It's the nearly-famous cliche: “Keep It Simple, Stupid” that means what it says: “…most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated”.
I'll try to stick to that idea here because all 3 subjects mentioned above could (and have) had volumes written about them already. This is the different perspective you've hopefully come to expect from Brianwilsonwrites!
YouTube has several channels showing actual footage of car accidents taken from dashcam cameras. (Some samples here, here and here) Many have sound and graphics describing the particulars. Watching them can be frightening and mesmerizing.
What's the point? Chances are most readers here drive. The fact you are reading this is a soft testimony to your safe-driving habits. Or you may just be lucky. But what these vids show – and emphasize – is the exposure to the unpredictable insanity of inattentive, inexperienced, distracted drivers responsible for the most colossal and completely avoidable collisions you will see. Maybe you've witnessed some in your own travels. Maybe you've been a victim. This is posted in the hope you won't. Raising situational awareness of the unexpected, possibly deadly circumstances on the road every day can go a long way ensuring you'll be here to read my next scribble.
The ever-rising crime rate has become a staple of the News. The hostilities in Ukraine and the Middle East, questionable character and intentions of illegal immigrants, 'mass murders', urban gangs, the downside-effects of legal and illicit drugs has created a second headline: “More People Are Buying Guns” than ever before. (Some samples here, here, and here). Note: some of the linked pieces were written by pearl-clutchers from CNN and NYT, great examples of liberal media bedwetting.
What's the point? Having spoken recently with multiple dealers at several gun shows, it is apparent most of the 'newly motivated to buy' haven't done much homework. “I want a gun. How much is it?” If this sounds like you or someone you know, here's some friendly/urgent advice: Do that homework. Go to a range, speak to those folks. Tell them what your circumstances are and what your firearms experience has been. Most ranges have a variety of weapons you can try to assess your comfort level. Once done, you'll be ready to make intelligent decisions about your firearm purchase.
People own guns for lots of reasons. For this piece, I’ll assume the reason is self-defense, i.e. family, home and property.
Like fine wine and fast cars, one can easily wander off into the weeds of specifics and get lost. What you'll read will likely be harrumphed by many of my fellow gun enthusiasts, hunters, sport shooters, collectors and similar gun nuts still on my Christmas card list. (So far) But trying to maintain the “KISS Principle”, here is my Unsolicited Firearms Recommendations with brief explanations. Do your diligence. Like wine and cars, one size does not fit all.
Ruger 10-22.
Everyone should own a .22. This is America's #1 Most Popular and Best Seller. Easily handled by most any size or gender, the .22 has little recoil or noise but powerful enough for small game when food becomes scarce. Even those street animals who have you in mind would not be happy with a well placed shot. Ammo is (currently) readily available. Buy a lot – even a Lambo cannot perform without fuel.
Shotgun (12 gauge)
Everyone should own a 12ga shotgun. Chances are your granddaddy used it to put meat on the table. You may need it to keep meatheads away from yours. Without practice, the recoil is stout but not something the average-built American can handle; yes, it's a bit noisy but that's why God gave us ear plugs. Nothing that roams North America can survive a well-placed shot from a 12ga. Used properly, it's one of the best home defense weapons available. Ammo is still plentiful and cheap. Buy a lot (see Lambo above).
Everyone should own America's most popular and versatile hunting, target and self-defense weapon. It's mild recoil belies its efficient lethality. Accessories can be added to make it a potent home defense tool. Yes, it's loud – especially in confined spaces like your living room. (see ear plugs above). Don't fall for the MSM Fuzz Bunnies “weapon of war” or “assault weapon” line because it's black and ugly and their stupid and wimpy. If a gang of scumbags decides your home is ripe for a house-jacking, you'll be happy to know your AR-15 holds enough rounds to save the day, your loved ones and your ass. Thanks to Ukraine and the Middle East situations, ammo is getting scarce and more expensive. Buy a lot now; the price won't be going down. And there may come a time when a 20-round box can be traded for a family meal.
Pistol – 9mm
Everyone should own a 9mm handgun. It is your first and last line of self-defense: the first you will grab from your bedside table or the last you'll go for if your AR or 12ga get lost or malfunctions. Easy to handle but requires diligent practice to be accurate; “Spray and Pray” is not a great defense plan. The good news is there are more choices for 9mm handguns than I could list. You're sure to find one that's comfortable in your hand – which is Most Important. A fine looking, expensive shooting' iron is tough to shoot effectively when it feels as if you're holding hands with an elephant. Or a popsicle stick. All your firearms should fit like the proverbial glove. 9mm ammo is still plentiful and cheap. Buy a lot (see everything allegorical above).
Those four weapons are all you need for self-defense preparation. Sure, you can refinance the house and buy more and different makes, models and calibers. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…but in my Unsolicited Firearms Opinion, being good, confident and accurate with your weapon of choice is most important. I'd rather be confronted with some fumbling duffs with with a .44 Magnum, “the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off...” (Thanks, D. Harry) than someone with a .22 who can castrate a flea at 100 yards.
Over the years, I've owned more guns than I wish I hadn't sold, been an FFL firearms dealer, owned several Class 3 weapons and had the privilege of knowing and interviewing Tom Gresham, Massad Ayoob, and Richard Arrowood. Tom hosts the syndicated radio show “Gun Talk”. Any one of these gentlemen are good references for your Due Diligence.
Owning any firearm carries the greatest responsibility. You hold the means and power to take a life. For this discussion, it's equally important to note you also hold the means and power to save yours and those you love. While we all hope that time never comes, it's best to know you will be prepared to act accordingly.
Ah! “...the root of all sorts of evil”! Unlike the latest NCAA football stats or where the next Taylor Swift concert will be held, money, the machinations of economics and all the gears that grind to control them are generally ignored by the MSM. With the exception of CNBC, FOX Business News, WSJ, Bloomberg and a few others, the twists and turns of The Economy are too arcane to interest the Sixpack family. Other than what Bidenomic-inspired Inflation is doing to a box of Cheesy Puffs, most of us aren't sufficiently aware of the serious, world-changing horrors lurking just beyond our horizon of current events. Everyone should know and be alert to this. Granted, the learning curve may take some time and effort but considering your life literally depends on coming events, understanding how and why we got here is imperative.
To help those like me who snoozed through Eco 101, an old friend with a sharp mind and talent, Tom Di Lorenzo, recently penned a compelling, E-Z to Read book “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Economics”. You should read read this. If it's easy enough for me to understand, it's easy to recommend it to you. You need it to understand the the malevolence coming our way. If you are among the tiny crowd who appreciates the finer points of our pending economic catastrophe, feel free to dive into the deepest end of the pool and read Alasdair Macleod's “The Future for Fiat”. For sure, your won't be seeing this on anyone's Evening News. I also recommend Jim Quinn's The Burning Platform. If you know where to look, the internet is loaded with talented, informative, interesting writers who have important information to share. For your benefit and those important to you, check these out asap.
Good information is getting harder to find,
I hope everyone had the candy scared out of them last Tuesday. It's my dentist's favorite holiday. My Two and Only podcast with author, Jim Bovard, will be lurking in your Inbox later this week. Schedules permitting, Tom Di Lorenzo mentioned above and the erudite Don Williams will be in for a chat as soon as I can blackm...persude them to commit to a date.
Hopefully, you are about to poke the Subscribe Now and Share buttons hidden below. The More the Merrier (unless you're an LSU fan...)!
Thanks for being here!
Brian Wilson
Warren Zevon sang "Lawyers, Guns, & Money; the shit has hit the fan."
Yeah, I've given up on lawyers, too.
I've always preferred .20 gauge shotguns. Less kick and if you aim right it does the job. Besides, if a bad guy sees a shotgun pointed at his face, he isn't worried about the gauge of the gun.
In Nebraska, we called a .22 rifle a "varmint gun". Ammo was cheap when I was a kid. We'd take our .22s down to the grain silos and shoot rats. Great fun and it sure improved our aim. I preferred the .22 long ammo as it annihilated the rodents.
As for economics and "money", well, it's all funny money nowadays and "digitally stored" in banks by crooks who can steal it at any time. Get out of debt. Avoid taxes when you can. Learn a skill.
Ahhh, Brian, I'm not sure your "skill" is marketable when the SHTF. LOL.
Thanks for the article.