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Warren Zevon sang "Lawyers, Guns, & Money; the shit has hit the fan."

Yeah, I've given up on lawyers, too.

I've always preferred .20 gauge shotguns. Less kick and if you aim right it does the job. Besides, if a bad guy sees a shotgun pointed at his face, he isn't worried about the gauge of the gun.

In Nebraska, we called a .22 rifle a "varmint gun". Ammo was cheap when I was a kid. We'd take our .22s down to the grain silos and shoot rats. Great fun and it sure improved our aim. I preferred the .22 long ammo as it annihilated the rodents.

As for economics and "money", well, it's all funny money nowadays and "digitally stored" in banks by crooks who can steal it at any time. Get out of debt. Avoid taxes when you can. Learn a skill.

Ahhh, Brian, I'm not sure your "skill" is marketable when the SHTF. LOL.

Thanks for the article.

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