Unfortunately, my friend, you have nailed it. Your scenarios make dystopia look good.

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Thanks, Charlie. I think we'd all prefer Trump's Fantasy Land. Maybe a Benevolent Dictator is just what the country needs! A miracle here, a screw-up there and the dream comes true! Sadly, I see nothing in my cloudy crystal ball that offers hope for that change. There are too many rabid, power-lusting demons in DC and around world who are OK with "Dystopia for Thee, but Not for Me"..

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I think you had to be alive in 1960 to even believe it all happened.

Where did it go?

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My brother bought the LP. Cranked it up on the "Hi-Fi" - until mom walked in....The Twist! Did some radio/TV spots w/ C. Checker -1982/NYC. Part of the Oreo "Twist" ad campaign. Helluva guy. The '60's - everything that made/changed my life happened in that decade....

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Oct 6Liked by Brian Wilson

It's coming up on four years since I predicted Trump would win this time around. I said back then that they would get stuck with Harris and Trump would win because she's a dimwit who nobody likes. I got the Stuck with Harris part right, so I'll stick with the rest of my prediction.

I'd say the outcome will be somewhere between 1 and 2. He may or may not get to take office but it's not going to change the crazy mess we are in and it will lead to riots and all the rest of the crap. The Democrats will never admit he won and to them it will be the "end of democracy" as MSNBC likes to say and they will treat it as such, which means Trump will get nothing done even if he gets in due to constant lawfair, impeachments, etc. So at best it will be a delaying action, like the last time he got in.

It will no doubt lead to more well orchestrated chaos one way or another.

I watch Rasmussen's youtube channel. the MSNBC people think there are only two issues, Threats to Democracy and Abortion, that's it, that's the only two issues they care about. Seems like they are priming their viewers for conflict, the return of the bad orange man would be great for their ratings.

Independents rank the economy at the top and Trump is up 7 with them. Trump is also crushing the Hispanic vote and now the Muslims in Detroit are against Harris too. Trump is underwater with blacks and younger women and liberal Jews. The Jews who love Trump do him no good because they all live in NYC.

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Plenty of room, time and circumstance for lotsa scenarios - but all of them lead to chaos. Dems are the "party of chaos". They'll get what they've wanted...

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I never predict politics correctly except in California where the Democrat always wins and the police state is in full control. The rest of the country is about to get the California Experience.


"There's plenty of room at the Hotel California... and you never leave."

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