It’s the end of another fun week sliding down the razor blade of Life in the US of A!
Dad’s old adage “Never Hit A Girl” had its ticket punched at the Olympics in Really Gay Par-eee…
The Party out to Save Our Democracy from Our Democracy tossed any pretense of Constitutional integrity down the Tidy Bowl as the Real Big Guy, DC Puppet Master , Barry O, boar-hogged Dr. Jill’s meal ticket, Wandering Joe along with some bazillion voters and leap-frogged Veep Throat, Kamala Harris with a media coronation that got her both legs up on no competition for (1st Assistant) President, the next Oval Office potted plant for the 4th Obama administration. Can Pure Socialism be far behind?
But there is still a “campaign” to wage so…
When Democrats get past their Kamala Harris issues, regardless of their ‘Convention solution,’ they will resume their robust campaigning for the rapidly approaching November elections. For now, the Harris ‘Honeymoon’ will continue sucking all the media attention into the ‘News,’ void of any substance beyond snark.
ICYMI, DNC operatives, “consultants,” and various THOCs (Talking Heads On Cable) announced the centerpiece issue for Democrats to hit the Government Trifecta (House, Senate, and White House) is Abortion. Republicans ‘pro-life’ stand, even without the once-proposed national anti-abortion law, is so egregious to Democrats' target demo, Liberal Suburban Housewives, the Ds are betting their Lexus nothing Kamala Harris has done, with or without Joe Biden, will sway them to vote otherwise.
As Bidenomics-inspired inflation continues driving grocery costs higher and higher, week to week, it’s incomprehensible the LSHs maintain they will cheerfully vote for the person and Party responsible for their pain.
Do “liberal suburban women” cling so fanatically to aborting a child that there is no other fact of life (pun intended) they can consider to inform their vote? News coverage says emphatically, “NO!” One cable commentator noted, “To the coveted Liberal Suburban Housewife, the defection of movie heart-throb George Clooney struck a greater blow than sinking poll numbers or rising grocery bills.”
For decades, women’s raucous-to-violent demonstrations featuring “My Body, My Choice” and other sloganeering have gotten MSM prime-time coverage every cycle. Other creative, if not ironic, histrionics on display: “Forced Motherhood is Female Enslavement,” “Our Bodies Our Freedom,” “Abortion On Our Own Terms,”” Abortion is Healthcare,” “Safe and Legal Abortion is Pro-Life.” and the Gadsden-esque “Don’t Tread On My Uterus.”
For 50 years, it’s been the liberal's and Democrats' non-stop harping on Republicans' pro-life/anti-abortion stance that has led women to this baseless but firm belief they will lose their “reproductive health care rights”, the dog whistle for “banning abortion”.
This reveals one of the biggest lies regurgitated by a political party in our country’s history: conflating abortion with “women’s reproductive health,” morphing into “women’s reproductive rights.” When did ‘reproductive health’ and ‘reproductive rights’ become synonymous with “abortion”? The more emotive the lie, the better the chances to insure the female vote. Why? Because, in glittering generalities, too many women don’t vote with their heads where their intelligence is stored. They vote with a combination of their ovaries, estrogen, heart, adrenalin, misinformation and comments on The View. The political drumbeat to “reverse Roe v. Wade” and overturn Dobbs is a perfect example.
How so?
Because it illustrates stultifying ignorance of the legal issues involved in both, again thanks to the media and professional political prevaricators running for office. Roe v. Wade did not find or establish a Constitutional right to an abortion loitering somewhere in the 14th Amendment, no matter how desperately the posters and pundits want everyone to believe. Even the late Justice and Liberal icon, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wasn’t a fan and said so several times.
But this piece is not a focus on the legality - or not - of abortion. I can assure you there is no future in arguing either side. This became obvious years ago after countless attempts to conduct civil conversations on my talk shows nationwide. No one will change anyone’s mind, whatever facts, logic, or reasoning may be presented. If that has ever happened in more than a couple of isolated cases, I must have missed it. Even if it had, the number of ‘converts’ would be microscopic.
So what constitutes “women’s reproductive health rights”?
It’s more than abortion. Cancer screening and treatment (cervical, ovarian, breast), STDs, UTIs, fertility and infertility treatments, menstrual health, prenatal and postnatal care, contraception, menopause management, and a host of related issues have a much larger constituency than abortion. Accordingly, Roe v Wade and Dobbs have only a marginal impact on the totality of "women's reproductive health care." Yet liberal politicians and abortion facilities, banking on rampant ignorance, would have women believe the rejection of Roe v Wade for Dobbs means the end of “women’s reproductive health care rights”; a Republican victory in November would erase everything called ‘women’s health rights’! Women will be confined to making babies.
Financially rewarded interests aside, abortion advocates are a vocal group of emotionally ramped women dedicated to maintaining free services to terminate the bi-product of a poor choice or a bad relationship. Their emotions blind them to the reality they have been lied to about a ‘Constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion’ for 50-plus years; for some, that’s more than their entire life. Exercising intellect over estrogen is a bridge too far. Liberal Democrats running for office know that and use it with abandon.
Other than individual responsibility, the Government-Media Complex bears the responsibility for this deception.
The women carrying those signs aren’t considering the required Constitutional foundation for the rule of law over the “Gimmedat!” philosophy that short-circuits their intellect. While Dobbs primarily addresses abortion access, there are broader implications raised about restrictions on abortion that could affect treatment for rape, miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. That’s part of a needed discussion, but it’s not a part of the Liberal's political platform. They want their largest voting base: young, idealistic, Tic-Toc informed, voting-age suburban females, along with their stereotypical low-income, poorly educated sisters, to focus on the male-dominated Supreme Robes nullifying a non-existent ‘right’. Since a “right to an abortion” never existed in the Constitution, it was the legal basis Justices used to purge their 50-year-old mistake. The Dobbs decision correctly sent the “legal abortion” issue back to be decided by the people and individual States, in harmony with the plain wording of the 10th Amendment, tossing the faulty stretch of a woman’s 14th Amendment ‘right to privacy’.
Unfortunately, Republicans and conservatives fail to advance this simply expressed decision.
Again, this scribbling has only a passing interest in the legality or morality of abortion. As noted, every possible argument for and against abortion has been made in every possible venue by individuals much smarter than I; some much less. The SCOTUS decision involves complex legal reasoning and analysis, but this panoply of information is just that. Politicians stating Dobbs “was a tragic blow to women's reproductive health" falls between disingenuous and outright lying. Still, as a political practice, ‘the end justifies the means’; Democrats approve.
Prior to Roe, an abortion was chosen by a woman who determined the law would simply not apply to her. Social, financial, or other implications of bearing a child, often out of wedlock, were too burdensome; breaking the law was worth the risk. Times have changed. Single mothers don’t bear those negative social and financial ramifications nearly as much today.
Legal or not, the “free to choose” option remains free to choose.
Abortion is a contentious issue, so it’s crucial to prevent it from overshadowing other vital components of women's healthcare, much less being used as emotional extortion for political gain. Reproductive “rights” is a dangerously abused and misleading term relating to something that doesn’t exist. Like all misnamed “rights,” when provided at the taxpayer’s government-imposed expense, they cease to be a ‘right’ and become a favor bestowed by politicians. That’s why they do it.
The accurate term is reproductive choice - and women have many. With technology, the economy, and ubiquitous clinics providing tax-payer subsidized ‘free services,’ it is difficult to state becoming pregnant today is a “mistake.” Aside from sexual assault, unwanted pregnancies are more the result of bad choices, bad judgment, or both. “Mistake” is a hard sell even for the allegedly uninformed. OTC birth control products are found in profusion from grocery store displays to truck stop vending machines. Planned Parenthood and other sexual health clinics make them available at no cost.
At the risk of being redundant, the subject here isn’t morality or legality vs. abortion. It is the intentional hijacking of a term that has no legitimate place in politics except by unprincipled political opportunists using it to influence votes through fear and disinformation to maintain their power and control. The Democrat Party – any Party – should be exposed and rejected for making it their campaign strategy. Candidates who follow this DNC game plan should be called out in any public venue. Hand them a copy of this article if you don’t have time to chat.
Government shouldn't be involved in medicine AT ALL! That is the real issue. Government also shouldn't be involved in education, drugs, and a host of other things. The US Constitution is quite clear on this issue.
As for women voting for Kamala Harris. LOL! H. L. Mencken was right. Eventually the dummies will elect a narcissistic moron as President. That wonderful happy day is fast approaching. Let the Kamalatoe Cackle reverbate from sea to shining sea!
Meanwhile the average age of women getting abortions goes up, as did the number of abortions performed since the repeal. That's a lot of hyperventilating by women old enough to know better, who somehow manage to get their abortions anyway.