
Government shouldn't be involved in medicine AT ALL! That is the real issue. Government also shouldn't be involved in education, drugs, and a host of other things. The US Constitution is quite clear on this issue.

As for women voting for Kamala Harris. LOL! H. L. Mencken was right. Eventually the dummies will elect a narcissistic moron as President. That wonderful happy day is fast approaching. Let the Kamalatoe Cackle reverbate from sea to shining sea!

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Aug 8Liked by Brian Wilson

Meanwhile the average age of women getting abortions goes up, as did the number of abortions performed since the repeal. That's a lot of hyperventilating by women old enough to know better, who somehow manage to get their abortions anyway.

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Redundantly: Why? Being personally adverse to invasions of the body cavity, I would think one was enough and sufficiently dicey to do whatever to avoid it; morality aside.

BTW - congrats on being here! Last time I suggested it, you said it was being considered but then...no Grand Opening. Thought you'd have made mention on FB -- or did I just miss that? Gotta figure out the Substack mechanics to make it easier to have you as Guest Scribbler.

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Aug 8Liked by Brian Wilson

I'm not sure How I got listed as being here. I guess just signing up for an account did it, I haven't published anything here. I saw the other day that someone was following me and wondered how that works considering I haven't written anything, but it must be like facebook? People can follow you even if you only comment on other people's articles I guess.

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Dunno. As a baptized Luddite, I get lost in Substack details and machinations.

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Ok, looking at it, I must have started an account quite a while ago, I see I was following Walter Block and that had to be before covid.

I e-mailed him a question asking if I was stuck on the Corona Princess and I had a 50/50 shot of having the bug, could he force me to stay even if it meant I would die. He said yes, they could force me to stay, but If I lived he'd buy me dinner and that he didn't think the bug was nearly that bad. It was funny though, he thought I was actually on the ship, I had to explain that I had just made up a hypothetical.

He's got conviction and then some.

Super nice guy, I also talked to him about evictionism, his abortion theory. We got stuck at "invitation" I think having sex is an invitation to pregnancy, provided it's consensual, he doesn't think it is. His theory only works if it isn't an invitation, but that's up to interpretation, so we left it at that. He asked if he could publish our exchanges and I was happy to say yes.

I haven't e-mailed him more than handful of time and I doubt he even remembers me, he's one busy dude.

I saw his Israeli position fell flat with a lot of folks, but I think he's just being consistent with his own ideas. If there is only one way to eliminate a threat to my family, there is no telling what I'd do. And that whole mess is over my head, I'm sympathetic to all the innocent people on both sides and screw both their governments and all their leaders who push them into the shit too.

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My one interview with him was a struggle. Knowing the majority of listeners were unfamiliar with his work - and even dedicated Libertarians had difficulties with parts - I had to spend too much time "translating" for the audience and coming up with questions that would move the event from a sermon to a discussion. His direct responses were heard as rude and combative by many. We never reconvened. Due to his published positions on Israel, I heard recently he and Mises may no longer be pals.

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“It’s the economy, stupid!”

- James Carville

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