Yes, I have suggested Mr. Smith start scribbling for Substack. Until then, I’m happy to share the space with someone with original thoughts and unique observations. Judging from the Comments and emails, many here have appreciated his thoughts.
Mythos; a traditional or recurrent narrative theme or plot structure;
a set of beliefs or assumptions about something.
In the America I grew up in, we believed in "woman and children first". This was one of our core Mythos. What I mean by this is that it was the men's job to go down with the ship. If need be, we would risk our lives for the women and children and die for them, if it was their life or ours.
What effect will forcing women to apply for the draft have on this very important Mythos? And yes, they are important, these ingrained beliefs are who we are as a Nation. A nation is more than just lines drawn on a map and taxes paid to crooks, it's a group of people who more or less believe in the same ideas of right and wrong.
Do you know the old term, Don't throw the Baby out with the Bathwater? Well?? Are you fighting for America if everything America stands for is lost in the process? In fact, isn't that the very thing Osama Bin Laden hoped to bring about? I know it's what he claimed was his plan. He wanted to help us destroy ourselves, and we seem to be doing a fine job of it too.
We toss away our right of privacy, we can't fly without being groped, we have stuck our future generations with the bill, and now we are going to have men hide behind Girls who are too young to legally drink a beer. She should be forced to risk her life before she's even had a chance to become a mother, never to hold a baby in her arms even once?
Don't believe for one second that there will be front lines in the next war. Drones have come so far that there will be no front lines; anyone who's anywhere at all and involved will be a target; the Ukraine war has proven that. If it's bad enough to draft women, it will mean that they will in fact be killed in extremely large numbers.
What kind of nation have we become?
Ps. Please don't be an "anti-libertarian". Don't get to thinking that two wrongs make a right. You won't help more people escape injustice by having an injustice apply equally to everyone. Put another way, Equally wrong is still wrong, don't make it twice as bad by dragging twice as many people into it, by arguing that if it applies to men, that it should also apply to women. This goes for more than just the draft issue; it goes for taxes and every other issue where you might be tempted to even the score or make something equal by taking something away from everyone. The goal should always be to remove injustice from the system and preserve liberty, rather than creating equality simply for the sake of equality.
Brad Smith
My girlfriend in Seattle was a Tsimshian Indian. She used to always say to me, "Right's Right and Wrong is Nobody." Two wrongs don't make a right. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
"Women and Children First" came about because of some brave Irish recruits in the British Army. Neil Oliver has a video out on the story.
The new Irish recruits in the British Army were on a ship going to Capetown, South Africa. Their officer was British. The ship went aground about 1 mile off of the South African coast. There were only enough lifeboats for the women and children.
The ship was surrounded by sharks so swimming to shore was not an option.
The British Lieutenant had his recruits stand in full uniform on deck. They helped the women and children into the lifeboats, but did not save themselves.
As the women and children rowed away, the soldiers sang songs as the ship broke apart and they were drowned and/or eaten by sharks.
A year earlier or so, the same situation happened (no troops on board this ship). The ship floundered and it was every man, woman, and child for himself. Most of the men survived. All of the women and children perished.
After the account of the brave soldiers on the ship that floundered, it became British Navy policy to save the women and children first as they later did on the Titanic.
I don't think this is at all about equality of anything. They already have the males ready to kill but females can have babies other ways now so they have to get rid of the females too. We just can't have more people being born! We want to reduce the population to save the planet don't you know?