Apr 2·edited Apr 2Liked by Brian Wilson

I wonder of you're veering toward the problem of the demise of higher education in general. The ethics, the ability to do ongoing research for a topic/story, and the ability to articulate one's thoughts with references & without plagiarizing, used to be expected of History, English, etc. majors, too . . . no?

Agreed on the profession being more than casual. I considered myself a professional when I understood not merely my tasks assigned to me, but also understood how my tasks fit into the whole of the product we intended to deliver to customers. I considered what I was doing a skillful expression, almost an art (though I shy away from using "art" too casually, too).

And maybe the fact that Journalism is supposed to result in entering a narrow-ish line of jobs is a factor, too. A History major isn't expected to be a Historian as a job. An English major isn't expected to be an . . . English-ian? Dunno.

I have a Philosophy degree. Am I a mangy Philosopher? Wait, don't answer that! :-D

Enjoying this now-series of articles you're doing on the theme, and the discussion!

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