This next piece was sent by one of my old “friends whom I’ve never met”. Not unusual in broadcasting, podcasting or writing. Mr. (?) Moose has been dogging me for years – writing to my talk show, responding to Facebook posts, or articles on, ZeroHedge, and other platforms with the courage or bad taste to run something I’ve penned. Substack has no choice!
While I have written discourteously about ‘Doom Porn”, Moose makes some factual statements, definitive and undeniable. He believes unequivocally these are the mile-markers to an unhappy ending. Without his permission (I seriously doubt a lawsuit!), here is his latest. Of course share with your friends or anyone you think would have their thoughts provoked.
We cannot un**** how ******-up things are. We are in an unstoppable doom loop that will not end. There is no silver lining. Allow me to prove it.
70% of our people have been injected with a bioweapon.
1 in 30 kids now how autism.
1 in 9 kids is now diagnosed with ADHD (it doesn't matter if you think it's a real diagnosis; what matters is the system that does think it's real is going to "treat" those kids, and it will ruin them. So that is 1 in 9 ruined kids).
Mortality is INCREASING
Fertility is DECREASING.
Due to masking and missing school during the COVID operation, children are not developing language skills. They cannot speak properly. If they cannot speak, they cannot think. We think in words.
Tell me how our society survives with that kind of mental retardation, literally ******* retardation that is prevalent in our youth.
Young men have low testosterone and can't fight.
30% of Gen Z now identify as degenerate. Good luck running and defending a country full of people confused about their gender.
Gen Z isn't learning to drive because of anxiety issues. Good luck running a nation full of people who can't leave their homes due to anxiety.
Our food, water, air, and medicine are all poisoned and toxic. Fluoride, Aluminum oxide, graphene oxide, HFCS, glyphosate, mRNA all causing epidemics of cancer, myocarditis, obesity, diabetes, and dementia.
And this doesn’t even glance at our multi-trillion debt, unfunded entitlements and Washington gone rogue.
Are you getting it yet?
We already lost. We were wiped out without even fighting back or putting up any kind of resistance; We just decided to put people who hate us in charge of everything and let them poison us and kill us off.
It was a flawless victory. They suffered zero causalities; we lost everything.
This is all despite spending trillions of dollars on the "most powerful" military and intelligence agencies in the world. LOL. Have a day.
A. Nonny Moose
Well…there you have it. Whaddaya think? Bullseye or Bullshit? Post your thoughts in the Comments Section.
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And Thanks!
Well, what a wonderful way to start the day! Once you read that you can't unread it. However, if you truly think about it, face it, we all know he is right. We won't be around to see the aftermath fortunately. It's going to be hard for my grandkids, but harder for the great grands, etc. Most of our leaders don't have the guts to see past their own greed. They never really think about the next 100 years or generations to come. Forget those EVs, windmills, and lightbulbs. That too is someone getting rich. (I am not typically referring to to Mr. Musk here.)
Hi Brian, On a happier note, today a friend sent me the video link below. I had no idea that Taylor Swift's first song was about me. Wow! It has 52M views. I thought she'd forgotten all about me. I burned the letter.