Staying ‘current’ with Current Events is an addiction formerly called “show prep” during the talk show years. How else could you be articulate and opinionated on issues of the day without watching, hearing, reading facts and analysis from as many reliable sources possible? Simply watching David or Lester or even Bret wasn’t gonna cut it. Drudge became THE place for a while. Top stories. Uncensored. Other Stuff. And access to the leading news outlets and opinion pundits all conveniently indexed in one place. Of course, that changed a few years back. Even though some of the features remain, Drudge just isn’t what Drudge was.
What to do?
If you don’t think you’re getting all the news that’s fit to think, here’s a couple suggestions - ‘’ - you might wanna try -if you haven’t already.
ZeroHedge is my #1 Go-To place for ‘stories behind the news’ or ‘news that didn’t make the news but should have’. ZH has a small but excellent stable of writers as well as scouring web sites from big to boutique like here and here and here and even here. Then there are individual outlets like here, here and here where you’ll find deeper dives on all sorts of subjects of interest. Of course, the Babylon Bee and The Onion are there for irony and tongue-in-cheek laughs. Of course, there are scads of other informative outlets where news stories are unvarnished with facts provided. If you’re inclined to want to keep up on the rapidly changing world around us, these are excellent places to find hard core information the notoriously liberal leaning and selectively censored MSM ignores.
One other great place you might not think of: YouTube. Not only can you search for specific stories and get un-aired videos, often recorded but unaired by the MSM or CSPAN. There are often accompanying clips in the margins. While YouTube has their own ‘community standard’ problems, you’ll be seeing a multitude of clips that were left on the editing room floor back at the networks Death Star!
FYI – here are a few links to some sample stories currently on ZeroHedge you are unlikely to see on the Evening News…
Read all of these by tonight and you’ll be ready to host your own Talk Show tomorrow!
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The next episode of the “Two and Only” is coming up next…
Safe bet...
Thanks, Rich - Checking it out.