Safe bet...

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Thanks, Rich - Checking it out.

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One of my fave aggregators is citizenfreepress.com

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PS: I think the line in the song/video that got me in trouble was, "We (lesbians on Lesbos) don't want a Minotaur before us. We'd rather play with our own clitoris."

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Brian, thanks for all the links. I use some of them already. For some reason ever since I was a kid, I wanted to know what was really going on. I knew that what the TV and the nuns and priests were telling me didn't reflect what I was experiencing in my own life in the world.

Many years ago I tried doing a YouTube channel of news, stories, essays... it did okay. The only videos that received over a thousand views were one video (a slideshow with music) of my six months in Amazon working on the film "At Play in the Fields of the Lord". The other video was my song and slideshow of "Minotaur vs. Lesbians". That one caused some trouble. LOL.

My channel is no more.

All the best.


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