My moderate covid conspiracy is that the Jab was meant to work or could be made to appear to work and it would usher in a new era of code generated therapeutics. That's what this type of tech was supposed to do when they first started working with it, but they couldn't figure out the delivery system. Trillions could be made, if it works and they just got people used to taking it and ran a massive experiment to see how it's handled by half the population.

And think about this, we now know that the jab could be dangerous, (and generally useless) but we also saw millions of people use it without dying too. On average the side effects seem to be far less severe than Chemo, right? So how many people will try a cancer "vaccine" assuming any risks will be similar to the Jab? Plus if you are dying of cancer, what wouldn't you try?

I'll take the same approach to any new therapy as I did the Jab, "Wait and see how it goes and don't take part in the experiment, unless you have no other choice".

As for Trump, I think he's a true believer in this technology, regardless of what his supporters think about it. How he came to be a true believer is another question. It could be he's invested in it, being bribed or because he's seen enough data to believe it works, despite the lack-luster results of the Jab. Could be he's just willing to toss tax dollars at a slight chance at being the guy who cured cancer. In any regard, he never seemed willing to budge an inch from the Jab was great line and I doubt he ever will.

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True, waiting and seeing how a massive experiment on human lab rats might be informative, even productive - but only to the rats who escaped the force of being jabbed.

I question the accuracy of millions who didn't die post jab. With all the questionable ingredients in the cocktail and subsequent mandated 'boosters', it may be more valid to say they didn't die yet.

IMO, the stability of Trump's beliefs is dependably questionable since he fancies his "weaving" abilities to the point of self-acquitting, denying, or explaining away his lies and failures without accountability - e.g., he stated he would find out about the NJ UFOs and "report to the American people who deserved to know." He found out (allegedly), then refused to disclose because "they asked him not to". How quaint. What about the 'deserving American people's' right to know? Meh.

Plumbing the beliefs of dedicated narcissists and borderline psychopaths - i.e. politicians -is a colossal waste of time.

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It's a good point about "didn't die yet". A friend of our family died in her sleep last week, 52 yrs old, zero health problems, except for being jabbed and fully boosted. They claimed it was her heart, she had no prior hearth issues, she was on zero medication, didn't do drugs or smoke and no family history of heart problems.

And yeah, there is no way to know what Trump or any of them are really motivated by, ego, money, power, all of the above, who knows. I doubt many of them get into it out of the goodness of their hearts, a handful at best, not many Ron Paul or Thomas Masse types running around the hall of congress are there?

I suggested people wait at least five years before even thinking about taking the Jab, that's normally long enough, but only IF they are honestly reporting on it. Although with this kind of tech, I'm not sure if five years is long enough, probably not and certainly not when they will cover up negative results. But even With the results coming in the way they have, it is still obvious that it's dangerous enough that it should never have been used to treat a virus that most people could live through. Even though I know it was a really nasty bug, it wasn't nearly bad enough to subject young healthy people, pregnant women and babies to an experiment like this. That was simply criminal and so was nearly everything else they did during those years and to cover it all up since then.

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Brian, you must be desperate to watch CNN. I avoid it. Why isn't CNN out of business? The Weekly Standard neocon rag died years ago.


David Stockman explains in the link above what the #1 issue in the USA is (the debt and budget of the Federal Government.) Trump didn't say anything about it either in his inaugural speech or at the press conference.

Trump's administration is entering a fiscal nightmare.

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I explained in the post why. It's to keep those who brag about never watching informed about what they're missing replaced by uninformed opinion.

Why CNN isn't out of business reflects ignorance the principles of show biz. David is not an authority I respect on that subject.

Trump’s nightmare has nothing to do with my post. That's an entirely different subject.

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