Before our Featured Attraction begins, a sincere Thanks to all who have made Herculean efforts in support of Brianwilsonwrites, both financially and with recommendations to your friends and allies. A special tip of the Stetson to Timmy Taes, purveyor of the eclectic Timmy’s Substack, for risking life, limb and reputation in his boundless endorsements of my efforts here. For everyone who routinely drops by, downloads, occasionally sharing an article or two, my internal gratitude.
One reason Conspiracy Theories have a bad rap is not because they don’t pan out. To the contrary, almost anyone can make an astonishingly long list of “conspiracies” the MSM-Government Media Complex has derisively poo-pooed that ultimately turned out to be true. Oh my! The Kennedy Assassination is the Grand Daddy of Conspiracies. I was in college when the bulletin hit the news and watched the reaction sweep over the campus. Getting into radio a few years later, I followed the story, interviewing Jim Garrison after his 1969 trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans (I was on Baton Rouge radio) to David Lifton’s “Best Evidence”. Being an engineer, his was the first truly comprehensive book on the subject. I interviewed Lifton (1983) on WABC/NY. Now, 40 years later, the release of classified CIA papers is bubbling under the “News”.
Note: For the latest and best on JFK, check out the deep dive done by Jacob G.Hornberger, an old friend who runs the Future of Freedom Foundation.
But I digress…
Conspiracy theories primarily suffer from the Messengers; Alex Jones, the best example. While many of his unexpurgated prognostications proved accurate, his bombastic, podium-pounding presentations with a broken cement mixer voice gave cognizant dissonance irritations worse than Shingles. Reasonable people couldn’t hear the potential for facts over the Jones’ Bombast Foghorn. Subsequently attacked by “authorities” in those early days, Jones and his wanna-be’s had a perpetual problem climbing the Cliffs of Credibility; now, not so much
Time, Persistence, and the spread of Alt News sources on the Internet gave Conspiracy Theories a new start. Cooler heads with more intellectually acceptable presentations, less adrenalin, and fewer ad hominins, began exposing the hypocrisy, lies, and political censorship hiding in plain sight, eating away at the source foundations presumed by the MSM-Government Media Complex self-appropriated “credibility”.
Where are we now?
Barely three months ago, I recorded the prediction Evil Forces (Elites, Democrats, and their deranged sycophants) were lining up to torpedo respect for the authority of Supreme Court decisions. With Roe v. Wade aftershock traumas still riling the Dems campaign MVP, despite the SCOTUS clarion ruling negating the historical mistake of “abortion” as a Constitutional right, returning those matters to the States where they Constitutionally belonged, illegal demonstrations broke out in conservative jurist’s front yards anyway. AG Merrick Garland blatantly ignored DOJ enforcement responsibilities and it was Game On for my “theory”.
Since then, attempts to derail Donald Trump’s (re) election campaign through the courts have flogged the justice system and sucked any remaining air of credibility out of the “News”. Despite the wafer-thin basis for various charges, laughingly incompetent litigation ensued anyway. Eventually, appeals to overturn the ham-handed prosecutions in NY, GA, FL and DC will trickle up to the Supreme Robes; the case for ‘presidential immunity’ was recently heard. How do you think the DNC’s Mobs of Rage will be orchestrated to react when SCOTUS decides for Trump? “Long Hot Summer” won’t be just a great movie anymore. And this doesn’t consider the “Summer In The City” forecast in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention July 15 – 18. Clips of the made-for-TV 1968 Democratic National Convention of Violence are being prepped for Registered Nostalgics and a training vid for the youngsters bivouacking on the Columbia campus.
While the MSM and its conjoined pundits flog us daily with non-stop gaspings of outrage at what has or hasn’t happened in the day’s episode of courtroom drama, campus rioters have moved in with tents to shove Trump’s legal dramas to the side burner. The same brain-deadening redundancy featured in Trump coverage spills over to the play-by-play of the daily Israel-Gaza-Hamas-Ivy League Demonstration Games with various metro police departments playing the role of the hapless Washington Generals. These acts are all part of a 3-ring distraction worthy of PT Barnum. While the real shock and awe spread desolation and bloody tragedy around the Middle East, rich puddin’-headed college kids are manipulated by unknown bad guys into staging “spontaneous” scream-fests with all the kindergarten tom-tom-ing and insipid poetry featured Last Time, only now the encampments have catered meals brought in to their spanking new, color-coordinated tents. Where did they come from? So many. Right on time. In all the right locations. Could it be there is serious Organization and Co-Ordination behind all this choreographed “spontaneity”?
And what about the discovery of “non-student” participants leading the charges and chants? Whose payroll are they on? Any chance they were part of the “young, fit, military age” dudes formerly hangin’ out on the south side of the Rio Grande a few weeks ago? Or maybe they were passengers on the Biden Boeings touching down surreptitiously at 2AM in metro airports to be named later? Who’s picking up the cost for that? It’s tough to find well-trained Riot Organizers these days. Military experience on the CV is important for that gig.
Things are coming into focus…
Some journalists worthy of the title discovered the familiar fingerprints of George Soros’ “Open Society”, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Tides Foundation, Pritzker Family Fund, and an impressive list of Middle East countries like Iran, Qatar, and affiliated NGOs, bankrolling the multi-campus chaos along with the ‘security’ of our porous southern borders, how difficult could it be to piece together a puzzle revealing the goal of an internal overthrow of America? Do the names Coward-Piven strike a familiar strategy?
Then there’s the inconvenient count of 11 million-plus unvetted illegal aliens, specific whereabouts unknown. If just a small percentage (10%?) are Bad Actors sent here with a mission, how much trouble could they make for under-manned, under-funded, politically constrained local law enforcement? It is logical and reasonable to conclude the situation is of specific design – and not one by Joe Biden; he’s a creaking, pharma-fueled vessel, carrying the agenda of evil actors still engineering the promise to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”
Every ‘game plan’, from military operations to Broadway plays, even your daily schedule requires organization and execution to succeed; taking down an entire country only more so.
As a supplement to my earlier conspiracy conjecture, I’ll add that over these last few years, we have been – and are - witnessing a massive ‘dress rehearsal’ for the destruction of the America we have known. Beginning with the tragic collapse of staunch American individuality, free choice, self-worth, and common sense reacting to the government take-over of the American medical system via “Obamacare” to the illegal, immoral and deadly exertion of government ‘authority’ during the ‘pandemic’, the successful polarization of American society by the infliction of unconstitutional government actions in every nook and cranny of our daily life has all but brought our society to its knees. The Government’s ability, intentions, and practice of FISA monitoring and bureaucratic regulating every minute designed to hollow out the notorious American resolve is just about complete. With key personnel and manpower in place, all that’s left is establishing efficient Command and Control communication centers, shipping lanes, and storage facilities – just like every invading force has done. With the Media-Government Complex keeping the populace distracted with groundless litigation of a hated opponent, the money toilet that is Ukraine, and tragedies in the Middle East, leaving crime, illegal immigration, financial malpractices on a massive scale, who knows what other skullduggery is being practiced unnoticed and unreported? Suppose the little-discussed ramifications of the government-planned CBDC are put in place. Every aspect of the finances of our entire population will be under Federal control. Are you ready for the Government takeover of your checking account? What do you and your neighbors think about that? More to the point: DO you and your neighbors think about that? Do you think our feckless, gutless, psychopathic “elected leaders” are the Cavalry that will come to our rescue with strictly limited government coupled with proper accountability? Right after the next election, of course…
Stop laughing.
With the growing pressures on “average” citizens – inflation, crime, Lawfare without restitution except for the Privileged, intrusive government regulations, increasing taxes, the insanity called ‘public education’, medical cost, and incompetence – creates a realization we are becoming powerless to stop a tsunami of societal, financial and regulatory upheaval.
Someone said “Humans are too stupid to have Freedom”. A poorly educated and apathetic majority is easily misguided by the ‘bread and circuses’ of a Media- Government Complex eagerly complicit in seizing the ultimate power of total control. Is that our near Future? The tinder of our social landscape is ready to explode into some yet undefined conflagration; a proper spark is all that’s needed. What might it be?
Generally speaking, most readers don’t like stuff like this. Too negative. Too ‘real’. Too hardcore. So it is customary for the Author to offer a Ray of Sunshine! Every article focusing on the seriousness of our situation always does that. It’s infuriating. If “things” are so bad 1500 words don’t do justice examining the potential of the tragedy confronting us, what’s constructive about waving a flag of Hope without a substantive plan to counteract the one in operation against us?
I used to take a measure of comfort in Sam Adam’s famous comment about not needing a ‘majority to prevail’ but ‘setting brushfires in the minds of men’. Do you think Sam would stand behind those words today without quaffing a six-pack of his legendary brewskies?
Maybe Thomas Paine had a better focus with the Summer Soldier and Sunshine Patriot. They’re everywhere, slogan spouting on social media platforms; the great ‘keyboard warriors’ with all the answers – but no plans, no action, no participation.
OTOH, I’ve heard and read of pockets of people who are actively engaged in efforts to make changes; small groups, vastly outnumbered by the Corporate Goliaths hell-bent on stomping the boot of tyranny on the face of all of us. Maybe there’s still time to find one of them. Maybe there’s still time to organize one of them.
Maybe there isn’t.
Stay tuned. Just a few months to go…
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The Media-Government Complex, as you described it, sounds like the worst conspiracy of them all . . . and it's not even a mere theory.
Hi Brian; Thanks for the shout out. I am deeply touched. My in-laws think I'm touched in the head.
Great article! I think there's hope of a determined remnant fighting back against the Blob.
If Mel Gibson can escape the CIA while in a wheelchair with his eyelids taped open and on drugs, there is hope for us all.
You were in college in Nov. 1963? Good Lord! You are old. I was in 8th grade at Holy Family in Lincoln, Nebraska. The nuns cried in class when they heard the news that JFK was dead. It was the only day in my 9 years in Catholic school that the nuns let us go home from school early.
Thanks for the article.