Hi Brian: Maybe an idea for Jim Bovard's Beard:

And just back from his engagement in Ogden, Utah at the Brigham Young Beard and Honeybee Contest where Jim came in second due to an unfortunate incident with bees who tried to make a hive in his facial foliage... Jim Bovard.

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Brigham Young would work...

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BW: Thank goodness Jimmy B is an Eagle Scout and was prepared.

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I’d love to be that well dressed man in first class; sadly, between the sycophantic attitude of our political, “leaders,” and their financial enablers over at the Federal Reserve, they’ve turned the greenbacks into silly putty, and forced manufacturers of quality goods to go overseas.

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Good article. The elites have nothing to do with the generations. They are in a club.

My grandparents were born around 1911. My parents twenty years later and me twenty years after that. Grandparents= hardworking, honest, lower middle class. Parents= hardworking, honest, upper middle class. Boomers like me, hardworking, honest, lower middle class.

August 1971 Nixon took the dollar off of its last link to gold and workers like my family over the generations got screwed with the boomers.

The "Greatest Generation" started the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Fuck them elites.

The "Silent Generation" elites are folks like Biden, Cheney, Pelosi, McConnel... Fuck them, too!

The "Boomer" elites... where are they? RFK Jr.?

It's all economics.

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I'm in the GenX category. Since I'm not a collectivist, other folks seem to care much more about that GenX label than I do.

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