Well said. Good stuff. Thanks for the enlightenment.

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I just finished reading "The Demon of Unrest" by Erik Larson about the reasons for the American Civil War and the attack on Ft. Sumter in Charleston, SC, harbor. Larson is very biased towards Lincoln and the Yankees. Larson mentions slaves and slavery on almost every page, but skims over tariffs. The federal government received 2/3rds of its income from tariffs on the South.

Read Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address on March 8th, 1861. Lincoln states he had no problem with slavery, but he would invade the South to protect federal property and collect that tariff money.

The South felt that the Yankees and abolitionists wanted to destroy their society which was based upon slavery. African slaves were the only people who could handle the hot southern sun in the fields. Without slavery, the South's economy and society would collapse. At the same time, the Southerners were scared of slave rebellions. It's a lousy way to live.

As an outsider looking on at the conflict, I don't support either side. The South did have the right to secede. Slavery is evil. Tariffs are theft.

Follow the money.

Thanks for the article.

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A little factoid I learned, when visiting Monticello, years ago, is that while Thomas Jefferson inherited the estate, including plantation and slaves, he also inherited the debt, for which, the slaves were collateral, and not enough money, with which to repay the debt.

Had he "done the (wished for) "right thing", he would have been thrown into Debtor's Prison (still in existence, under the British Colonial Laws of the day) for failure to retain the "collateral" to protect his creditors.

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Great Intel. Not covered in our Tour

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Great points, I call it their "obtuse" card.

They have the most incredible ability to never understand the argument they are up against.

Never give an answer to a question you don't want to answer, not when you can play dumb and never ever under any circumstances understand the question, no matter how succinctly it's put.

Or they just pretend something does not exist even though it's staring everyone straight in the old hairy eyeball. Historical facts being the easiest to ignore or re-write, but they will ignore anything if it they can get away with it. The border, Biden's brain and the corruption, they aren't transing the kids, mostly peaceful riots etc. etc.

It's a great Jedi mind trick in reverse or a Sgt Shultz. We hear nothing, we see nothing and we know nothing.

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