Credit FOX host Greg Gutfeld for predicting Saturday’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Some weeks ago on FOX’s The Five, Gutfeld succinctly spelled out why and what would happen. (Paraphrasing) As a result of the Left’s nonstop verbal diarrhea about Trump’s election being “an existential threat to our Democracy”, “the last vote we ever have”, “a national law against abortion”, “Trump is Stalin”, “Trump is Hitler,” and similar hysterical ad hominins would move someone to do the Patriotic thing. After all, if “Trump is Hitler”, wouldn’t we want to see him eliminated rather than have “Hitler” as President?
Some examples:
Joe Scarborough…a paid talker for left-wing MSNBC, said Trump is “not a normal candidate. He’s running to end American democracy as we know it.”
Hillary Clinton: “If in some scenario that were to happen, it would be the end of democracy in the United States.”
Rachel Maddow “He wants to put MSNBC on trial for treason so he can execute us.”
Victor Davis Hanson reminds us of others. Do you remember:
“By slugging his face (Robert De Niro), by decapitation (Kathy Griffin, Marilyn Manson), by stabbing (Shakespeare in the Park), by clubbing (Mickey Rourke), by shooting ( Snoop Dogg), by poisoning (Anthony Bourdain), by bounty killing (George Lopez), by carrion eating his corpse (Pearl Jam), by suffocating (Larry Whilmore), by blowing him up (Madonna, Moby), by throwing him over a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell), just by generic “killing” him (Johnny Depp, Big Sean), or by martyring him (Reid Hoffman: “Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr” In a widely reported call to hundreds of donors last week, Biden boasted, “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
"In a bullseye?”
And then we had Saturday.
In nanoseconds, social media was on fire with facts, partial facts, rhetoric, and, of course, “Conspiracy Theories,” followed quickly by the MSM.
So far today (Sunday, 1/14), the Sunday morning talk shows are sniffing with concern about someone they openly despised, disdained, and lied about for years, never bothering to correct or apologize for mangling journalism’s responsibility to report the facts.
Instead, they eagerly did the bidding of the Oval Office Stalking Corpse, his minions and myrmidons, aides and co-conspirators acting as “news influencers.” They provided instructions to walk and answer questions, spun embarrassing stories to cover Biden’s rapid and visually declining acuity, and provided just the right questions (and edits) for radio interviews.
Add to this the anger and frustration born of the Lawfare openly practiced against Trump, his family, business and political partners, and supporters exacerbated by the MSM’s biased coverage.
Add to this the pressure all but the “1%” deal with daily: inflation, crimes without punishment, corruption without accountability, and intrusive regulations without explanation, recourse, or benefit.
Add to this lies, misinformation, and “false news” that pours from the White House and alphabet agencies like so much raw sewage into TV studios and, finally, our homes with complete disregard for truth, oaths, responsibility, principles, or respect for the rule of law.
After such intense political vitriol, it was bound to happen as Gutfeld outlined - whether the shooter was deranged, programmed, ‘radicalized’, or any other diagnoses. But the Secret Service is conducting an “in-depth investigation”! SS officials have been ordered to appear for questioning before some Congressional committee. (Prediction: “I’m sorry, Congressman, we cannot comment on an ongoing investigation” will be the everlasting response.) And everyone with a microphone or a keyboard will have an opinion or a ‘conspiracy theory’.
The Government-MSM cabal will fill in all the blanks about the shooter, the weapon, and the motive in a way that serves the purpose of making them look innocent yet concerned and “Dedicated to the Safety of All Americans.” The House and Senate will have their separate meetings, which will reveal nothing – although it would be informative to know more about Greg Smith, the eyewitness to the “man with a rifle bear-crawling up the wall of a building” and trying in vain to tell the Secret Service.
Will anyone have the truth in our lifetime?
One thing is certain: Government is the existential threat to our Freedom.
Corey Comperatore, the just turned 50 retired fire chief who was killed at the rally as he threw his wife and daughter to the ground and covered their bodies with his own. His body then caught the bullet that killed him. He is the hero of that day. He will be quickly forgotten. That is very sad.
Will the bullet in Mr. Comparatore's corpse match the AR-15 of the 20-year-old? Don't hold your breath for an answer from the FBI.
Bullets at American assassinations take on a magical disappearing quality.
My TwiXer feed was excellent yesterday with the coverage. Of course, that's because I don't follow any of the low-IQ, low-attention, low-effort, low-ethics, dull, shallow, mainstream media outlets. Their garbage work was in my feed, though, as everyone was eviscerating them for it. Good times :-D