Recently, I’ve shared some information about Robert Greenslade, our decades-long relationship that grew out of my KSFO/San Francisco talk show, and my admiration of his comprehensive knowledge of American History, specifically events surrounding the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the particulars of the Constitution.
Following my recent article “Something Else”, a spirited discussion about an ‘alternative’ system of government broke out in the Comments section. Check it out if you’ve missed it.
That led Bob to tell me the story of the ‘New Declaration’, inspired by comments from Barack Obama (of all people!). While you’re relaxing this July 4th, I hope you’ll take some time to enjoy the circumstances that led up to the writing of this ‘New Declaration’ and the Declaration itself, which follows…
Before departing Philadelphia in his spiffy blue railcar bound for Washington D.C. and his inauguration as the President of the 50 United States of America in 2009, Barack Obama, in a speech to the dumb masses who braved the freezing cold caused by global warming [], proclaimed that America needs “a new Declaration of Independence, not just in our nation, but in our own lives...from ideology and small thinking, prejudice and bigotry.”
Leave it to a left-leaning liberal to distort one of the founding documents and attempt to transform it into a touchy-feely nice social document. The Declaration of Independence was a repudiation of the oppressive government of Mr. Obama and had absolutely nothing to do with so-called “small thinking, prejudice, and bigotry.”
Warner Todd Huston made a similar observation in an article entitled:
“Obama Thinks Original Declaration of Independence Not Good Enough?”
He wrote:
“It appears that Obama fundamentally misunderstands what the Declaration of Independence even stood for. The Declaration was no denouement of ‘ideology.’ In fact, it was quite a triumphant invention of one: an American ideology. It was the firm statement that all men were created equal and ‘endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.’ But it was also chiefly a call to throw off a government. It was no mere call to be nice to your neighbors in any such simple way as Obama invokes the document.”
Mr. Huston concluded his article by stating:
“Lastly, I’d wonder exactly who Barack Obama imagines is up to the task of writing this ‘new’ declaration? Where are the Thomas Jeffersons today? For that matter, where are the Gouverneur Morrises to spruce up the draft in a committee of style? I would submit that we have no such men up to the task today. Certainly, Barack Obama doesn’t fit the bill, his delusion of being the next Abraham Lincoln notwithstanding.”
Writing a “new” Declaration of Independence is not as difficult as you think, Mr. Huston, because Jefferson and Morris have given us the blueprint. Oppression and injustice have always been tools of kings and governments. The challenge is to identify the abuses and light the fire of dissent before the government can find a way to extinguish them.
In retrospect, King George will look like a boy scout compared to what Americans haveexperienced the past 80 years and will experience in the near future under the banner of “constitutional government.” Under the guise of a “democratic” form of government, our elected representatives have used the power of the federal government and the threat of force to compel obedience to their unconstitutional dictates. Americans begging for higher taxes and enslaving themselves in the name of freedom and liberty must have King George smiling from the grave.
During a speech before the Virginia Ratifying Convention in June 1788, Patrick Henry stated:
“We are told...that our own representatives...Congress...will not exercise their powers oppressively... Who has enslaved France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, and the other countries that groan under tyranny? They have been enslaved by the hands of their own people. If it be so in America, it will be only as it has been everywhere else.”
Every 2 years, the American people line up like sheep to vote for a class of individuals whose ultimate goal is to acquire and exercise more power over their fellow citizens. As Henry stated, “we are being enslaved by the hands of our own people.”
Since our elected representatives cannot be trusted with power, Obama was right we do need a “new” Declaration of Independence because the federal government has become more oppressive than King George.
Robert Greenslade
Coming next: The Unanimous Declaration of the Fifty United States of America
The Declaration is written in plain simple language (as is the Constitution) that is meant to be understood by the citizenry. Self-important commissars currently write laws, rules and regulations that are obtuse and require thousands of pages that I contend even lawyers don’t understand. It’s an assault on our intelligence and our freedom. I hate government at all levels and it needs to be unwound back to the principles in our core documents…
I agree with the article written by Brian's friend and with the comment by Frank Canzolino. In my opinion, any bureaucrat or politician who uses more than two commas in a sentence or four syllable words, should be shot for treasonous obfuscation after first being force fed the Tax Code.
Oops! Rambling sentences will get me on the scaffold and headed for the short drop with a sudden end. I have put the noose around my own neck.