The Declaration is written in plain simple language (as is the Constitution) that is meant to be understood by the citizenry. Self-important commissars currently write laws, rules and regulations that are obtuse and require thousands of pages that I contend even lawyers don’t understand. It’s an assault on our intelligence and our freedom. I hate government at all levels and it needs to be unwound back to the principles in our core documents…
I agree with the article written by Brian's friend and with the comment by Frank Canzolino. In my opinion, any bureaucrat or politician who uses more than two commas in a sentence or four syllable words, should be shot for treasonous obfuscation after first being force fed the Tax Code.
Oops! Rambling sentences will get me on the scaffold and headed for the short drop with a sudden end. I have put the noose around my own neck.
The Declaration is written in plain simple language (as is the Constitution) that is meant to be understood by the citizenry. Self-important commissars currently write laws, rules and regulations that are obtuse and require thousands of pages that I contend even lawyers don’t understand. It’s an assault on our intelligence and our freedom. I hate government at all levels and it needs to be unwound back to the principles in our core documents…
I agree with the article written by Brian's friend and with the comment by Frank Canzolino. In my opinion, any bureaucrat or politician who uses more than two commas in a sentence or four syllable words, should be shot for treasonous obfuscation after first being force fed the Tax Code.
Oops! Rambling sentences will get me on the scaffold and headed for the short drop with a sudden end. I have put the noose around my own neck.