“The first casualty of war is Truth.”
The same can be said of politics. The rush that comes with Power makes it irresistible. Lord Acton’s Axiom “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is irrelevant to those addicted to it. More accurately, Power attracts the corruptible and absolute power attracts even worse. Just as the terminal consequences of drugs are of no concern to the user, political addicts will sacrifice their integrity to get elected, to mainline the Power, to feel the rush of authority, and control, and not a little ego-fellating Rock Star status.
The current national campaigns have made the art of prevarication more obvious than ever. It could be due to the ubiquity of alt. media platforms on social media, combined with the fading influence of the MSM, now with its own integrity problems. Calling out politicians for their lies, ‘flip-flops’, and inconsistencies has never been easier. The immortality of audio and video recordings of past peccadillos is a vital ingredient of ‘Gotcha’ campaigning as well as speaking Truth to Power.
This makes the constant presence of polling’s Undecideds confounding. Now, TV’s Blow-Dried set would have you believe this group ‘knows enough about the former President’, but ‘wants to know more’ about the Artful Dodger, Ms. Harris. With the same polls saying the Female vote will decide the election, what’s to know? Pundits declare the Female vote has never been predicated on policy details; just the hint of a promise gently caressing the Feelings that stir their erogenous voting mechanism. It’s the campaign version of ‘selling the sizzle, not the stake’. “Details/Shmetails! Who pays for this? Where is the money coming from? Yadda-yadda-yadda. She says she’ll do it. She’s thinking about us!” OK, but what about raising your taxes, smothering small businesses to death, fueling unemployment and inflation? “Quien sabe! She’s one of us!”
For all you Female Undecideds, don’t you realize she’s lying? Women are said to be really good at spotting liars. Women’s intuition. Or does that only work on husbands, boyfriends, and male teenage children?
Even with the paucity of coverage Harris and/or Walz get from the MSM, only the intellectually dim have not grasped the lies spelled out like the HOLLYWOOD sign outside of Los Angeles. Tough to miss it. Tougher still to miss the Democrat’s lies about Trump: Charlotteville’s “nice people”, a ‘Bloodbath’, Project 2025, RussiaGate, Hunter’s laptop, Mar-A-Lago’s classified papers, ‘a dictator on day one’, ‘a national abortion law and the end of women’s health care’ – statements repeatedly denied and credibly proven false or used out of context. But the Democrat pleading for your vote to be the first female, etc. President, used them unchallenged in the ABC debate and repeats them in her memorized stump speeches.
They’re lies.
She is lying.
Her running mate lies despite his own documented duffle full of whoppers.
Downslate Democrats, when silent, are co-conspirators by repetition or not correcting the record.
The absence of details on specific concerns – crime, illegal aliens, and their social and financial impact on society, block congressional voting against deporting illegal immigrant sex offenders and against voter ID, and the wholesale Lawfare abuse of our system of Justice – is under-reported or ignored. If your News source is the major networks, NPR, CNN, MSNBC or Tic-Toc, you are uninformed to a point near ignorance. Gaslighting, misinformation, and censoring are rampant.
Are you OK with this? Do you want your laws for living written and enforced by a government led by narcissists and sociopaths who fit the corollary to Acton’s axiom above?
Before you say, “Well…Republicans!”, I agree. Politics doesn’t attract candidates for Sainthood. The best we can hope for are a few short-term benefits from a shorter list of options. Right now, the Republicans own that list; Harris-Walz promises free ice cream. No question Donald Trump has lots of barnacles not to like and they are not liked mostly by Undecided Women, who don’t make the effort to sort the “mean tweets” from a grocery store heart attack; who won’t ignore the vanity even when they could adore a boyfriend or husband not sent to die in some endless war; who can, if she wants, put up with a brash ego in exchange for safer streets for her and safer schools for the kids, and a return to a more sane justice system practiced more than a decade ago.
Don’t be like “The Boxer” in Simon and Garfunkel’s hit:
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocket full of mumbles
Such are promises
All lies and jests
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
Virtually every man and woman I know remembers the time and circumstances when they “lost their virginity”. On average, they have mixed reviews but, still, a lasting memory. Politicians have squandered their integrity with lies to take yours in the voting booth. Don’t let cognizant dissonance move you to a regrettable conclusion. Current history proves unequivocally Democrats are the Party of chaos, division, and lies. The evidence is on TV every day, often cloaked in more obfuscation courtesy of a once-great media turned morphed into a propaganda outlet. With all his faults, Trump’s plans and policies have a track record of positive performance; not perfect, but who is?
At least intentionally lying to mislead you isn’t one of them.
PS - Apparently, there are Men among the Undecided. This makes no logical sense. Men are not wired to be “Undecided”. To say so can only mean there was a game on when the pollster called. “IdunnoUndecidedg’bye” or they were with their new love interest, Ms. Undecided, and didn’t want to spoil the moment.
And Russia just updated their nuclear strike policy. They now reserve the right to use nukes against non-nuclear states, if they are attacked by a nation who is being helped by a nuclear power, but abortion.....
"Sell the sizzle, not the stake." I laughed at the Freudian slip. Hahaha! "Put a stake in that vamp's heart."
As for politicians... George Carlin's speech to the National Press Club years ago says it all: