And Russia just updated their nuclear strike policy. They now reserve the right to use nukes against non-nuclear states, if they are attacked by a nation who is being helped by a nuclear power, but abortion.....

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Based on some current reads from less than 100% dependable sources, my understanding is this was done in response to a US-GB 'sanction' of long-range 'Storm Shadow' missile deployment to Ukraine; that it was brokered by our military after pushing Biden to a Time Out after a Penagon "palace coup".Biden very not happy but couldn't overrule the 25th Amendment threat.

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Brian, "Storm Shadow" is a great name for a missile of destruction. Who comes up with these names? The big Russian nuclear missiles is called a "Satan II". One of those Satans dropped on your city will ruin your day.

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I doubt Mr. Putin would waste one of his big firecrackers on the wide spot in the road where I live...!

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Brian, That's good news. If Putin dropped a Satan II on San Francisco, the blast radius would be about 40 miles. Healdsburg is about 20 miles outside the blast radius. Hopefully, the wind isn't blowing from the south that day.

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Hopefully you'll be Way Up North that day!

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"Sell the sizzle, not the stake." I laughed at the Freudian slip. Hahaha! "Put a stake in that vamp's heart."

As for politicians... George Carlin's speech to the National Press Club years ago says it all:


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If only I were that oriented or even clever. AutoCorrect and Grammerly, are not a writer's pal. Carlin was a certified genius and the ultimate wordsmith. I interviewed him for WABC circa 1983. Due to scheduling, it was pre-recorded. Despite breaking the rules about laughing at your own stuff, we had a great hour. After Corporate required editing, we both agreed to scrap the show. Had I remained in NYC, I think we could have been buds. Helluva guy.

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Brian, That's a great Carlin story. Thanks. My Dad's driver in Las Vegas drove Carlin around a lot. Carlin didn't like to fly. Daniel, the driver, would take Carlin from LA to Vegas for his night club performances. Carlin would write his material in the back seat of the limo on the drive, then he'd try out his new writing on the limo drivers at "the barn" where the company kept the limos. The drivers got a free peak and a free show of Carlin's new material.

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