> Our ancestors tried national divorce twice before, successful in 1783 and unsuccessful in 1865.

So many people forget that 1783 was essentially a national divorce; the result of a civil war.

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A national divorce w/o the gun play would be preferred. I get the sense, however, more and more folks are willing to engage when necessary....

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Good letter to the editor. There is no "We" in the USA anymore. Secession is the only solution to our differences. People are already moving from place to place in the USA which is secession by voting with one's feet.

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I doubt we would have half these problems if the Feds weren't in control of everything.

If States had the bulk of power, as they were supposed to, there would at least be the option to move from state to state to be around like minded people. You could find a state that has rules you like that are unaffected by neighboring states. Who would care if California has trans people in their sports as long as they aren't forcing them on Texas? Same for border policy, guns and education, etc. etc.

You could get rid of 90% of the wedge issues overnight if they really wanted to.

As it stands the feds control so much that whoever controls the feds, also controls the people of each state. This is primarily where the animosity comes from.

And if the people can't get along within the state, let them break authority down even further into counties, so you don't have the cities running everyone who lives in the country, etc. etc.

We are basically at each other's throats because we all have too damn much power over each other. I would think that dialing back government at all levels, so that we don't kill each other, would be better than a total break down into civil war, but I guess some people would rather fight than give up the power they have over others.

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Brad, It will come down to money, tax money, just as it did in 1860. The South didn't want to pay the high tariffs/taxes to the Yankees. Lincoln said in his first Inauguration Address that Abe didn't care about slavery, let it continue forever. But if the South didn't pay those tariffs and taxes, he would invade the South.

Eventually, the states will have to quit paying taxes to the Federal Government. The states are already moving to make their own gold backed currencies.

The Federal Government will invade these states again.

But this time, the Rebels won't be fighting set piece battles against the Union troops. It will be a war like no other.

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