I was just talking about the question of experts with a fellow liberty advocate tonight! We were discussing how the Big Tech censorship is almost always done by algorithms, which is just the automated version of "trust the experts." And it has all the same pitfalls; the biases with which algorithms are designed are analogous to the biases that go into selecting which person will be anointed an expert, which topics will receive priority, which events will be played up or played down, etc.

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Thanks for the intel. I wasn't aware constructing algorithms was such an art form! What chance does Human Intelligence have against such monsters? Maybe AI could write instructions on "How To Circumvent Algorithms"!? Checking....

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I remember when the average school janitor or lunchroom lady had a better grab on what America actually needed, and actually accomplished in a given election cycle than anything that any of today’s talking headed -so called- experts have to say. From war in Ukraine, to drugs on the street, to migrants at the border, common sense has gone the way of the common dodo 🦤. Looking to news for answers, or even pertinent information, is now akin to hunting lint in the naval.

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I'm glad that you came out of the surgery okay. Steps are the enemy to me now. It's been 16 months since my new hip pin replacement surgery and I'm still gimping around. Fortunately there are only 3.25 steps on the front and back porches with plenty of handholds.

As to who is an expert, I look at if the expert has really experienced what he or she is talking about. A male expert on menopause or menstruation doesn't appeal to me.

Thanks for the link to Perry Michael Smith. I'll check him out. A few reporters do get out in the field and do research but it seems like most of them stay in the bar and fake it.

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