Forget that most "victims" of poverty, drugs, etc., Are NOT victims at all. I don't believe anyone can be victimized by anything other than people or animals, maybe weather.
Most of these claims of victimhood are a complete farce.
Drugs, guns, poverty, etc., aren't on their own taking actions that create victims. For instance, you can be a victim During the war on drugs because actual people will toss you in prison. But Drugs don't victimize anyone; the cops and courts did. It's the same with guns and poverty.
Drugs can't load themselves into syringes and shoot their poison into your arm; not any more than a gun will load itself and shoot someone.
Furthermore, you can victimize others, you can not victimize yourself.
The idea that a person can be victimized by either their own personal actions, inanimate objects or the circumstances into which they are born is ridiculous, yet it permeates leftist ideology everywhere on Earth.
Being born into unfortunate circumstances does not make anyone a victim; hell, we are all going to die someday; that's fairly unfortunate. However, does it make me a victim and my parents criminals for bringing me into this cruel world? Using leftist logic, it would.
Practically every human born a hundred years ago would be a victim of poverty, compared with just about anyone in America today, even the homeless. Why were they not ALL justified in stealing from each other until they were the 1% that lives as well as we do today?
Was everyone born before the advent of modern medicine a Victim, did that lack of healthcare give them the right to prey upon each other? The vast majority of all the humans who have ever lived did not have the advantages of our homeless today when it comes to medicine, cell phones, and even access to food is still more than people way back in the day, whose diets could be very limited at times. Would every single one of them have been justified in stealing from each other, so they could reach OUR level of wealth?
Has theree ever been a time in human history when some people weren't better off than others? No, it's never happened, and it never will. We need to protect the property of EVERYONE because there is always someone who has less than you do. If you say it's OK to steal because someone needs it more, where will it ever end? Well, I know where. It ends in Barbarism and a collapse of society.
There will always be someone with more than you who will never justify stealing from them, never, and any society that says that it is justified is doomed to spiral down the drain as we all learn to prey on each other like animals.
Brad Smith, Guest Scribbler
I watched the great liberal reformers tear down single family homes and build Cabrini-Green which they have now torn down and it’s an empty lot. This was in my old neighborhood in Chicago. What a mess.
I was the body guy (I also did research and wrote position papers, copy and did graphic design) for a governor candidate here in Illinois. We met with a group of five reverends and bishops of Southside black churches. We asked them if we could accomplish one thing for their congregations, what would it be? They said there was no safe place to have family dinners. We tried to get Red Lobster restaurants in their neighborhoods, and the corporate office was willing to help. The alderman blocked the required permits.
Simple things like this that can help families out could not be accomplished because of the DEMOCRAT chokehold on the inner city neighborhoods…
I think John Wayne said it best, "If you give 100 people a dollar apiece and come back in a year. One guy will have most of the money."
I also thought the book and movie "King Rat" was an excellent example of this principle. Some would call it the Pareto Principle which is real and easily proven.