I’m reminded of the adage, “say what you mean, and mean what you say.” This adage could not have originated with anyone other than a true liberty lover, and constitutionalist.

Why? Because the first amendment to that foundational document incorporates within its body the very heart, and essence, of saying whatever it is that one means whenever they dare say a thing. It truly is foundational.

An example? “Sir, it’s time to remove yourself, and your thuggish dogs from my property forthwith. ”

Anything else?

Yes. Secondarily, one cannot ensure that the recipient of one’s spoken word, has indeed received that spoken word by mere utterance alone. It’s in the meaning of the thing where we find purpose to our utterances.

Without the means to mean what one says, it’s meaningless noise, and it will be treated as exactly that, as meaningless noise by every despot who happens to pass by.

Herein lies the body, and the essence of the second amendment to that foundational document… meaning what one says.

In action it would follow thusly; “

1:) “Hey, Georgie, ‘git offa muh land.’”

2:) BANG ‼️

It’s all really quite simple. Say whatever you mean, and whenever it’s necessary, mean what it is that you are saying.

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Well, George Washington, one of the Founding Dads, sure like the Whiskey Tax and he raised an army of 5,000 men to go to Western Pennsylvania to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. Washington was rich. He owned the largest distillery in the colonies. He could pay the tax easily. The small distillers in Western PA couldn't. So they rebelled.

After some troubles, Washington shows up with his army. The 500 whiskey rebels put on a big spread for the army with lots of free whiskey.

Rebellion over. Taxes paid or just avoided and the craft of moon shining was born.

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LOL! I'm one minute into the speech and BW does a Jeffrey Dahmer joke. Hahaha! I have a good friend who lives in Milwaukee near Dahmer's old house. I always ask my friend if he ever smelled anything funny being grilled from the direction of Dahmer's yard.

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Did you write that intro for the "emcee"? Or did that kind lady decide to flatter you, all on her own? :-D

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What lady???

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Did I use the wrong pronouns again? I/me/it hate/hates when I/me/it do/does this/that/theotherthing.

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"She No Lady, She's My Wife" - Lyle Lovett

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Bravo, Brother! Well said.

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