Great Episode.

T.L. Makes a great point when he says that the people's patriotism is largely what stands in the way of any major restructuring of our nation. This won't of course stop the left from restructuring our nation one step at a time.

Lately I've been trying to point out that the real patriots were not the Federalists, who engaged in a power grab and called it the constitution, but instead the true patriots were the wrongly titled Anti-Feds, who wanted a looser federation with more state rights.

The anti-Feds embodied the True spirit of the revolution, the Federalists did not. Hammer that message home and maybe things will change. But people don't seem to want to be educated on that topic, they prefer to just accept the comforting lies that the Constitution is perfect and it's all that stands in the way of tyranny, blah blah blah.

I should put together a mini book/compilation of what I've written on that topic and call it

"Did I mention, Hamilton was an Ass?" The more I read about him the more he bugs the shit out of me, he truly deserves to be roasted. With founding fathers like him I'd rather be illegitimate.

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This: "But people don't seem to want to be educated on that topic, they prefer to just accept the comforting lies that the Constitution is perfect and it's all that stands in the way of tyranny, blah blah blah." is MOA. Citizens' lethargy/apathy fuels their ignorance, an allergy to a 'learning curve'. Sadly that doesn't bode well for the future - unless one is young enough to live thru it. That ain't me! I ain't no Fortunate Son!

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Everything the anti federalists said would happen as a result of the Constitution has happened. No one ever mentions the anti federalists or what they were against and why.

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Brad, Well, Hamilton met his end, eh? I should research Aaron Burr. All I know about Burr is that he killed Hamilton in a duel.

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Ancient history now but this was a good book on the writing of and what went on during the constitutional convention.

Hologram of Liberty: The Constitution's Shocking Alliance With Big Government Paperback – October 1, 1997

by Kenneth W. Royce (Author), Boston T. Party (Author)

If you've ever wondered how we came to have a leviathan federal government that was supposed to remain small and defined -- Hologram of Liberty will explain what happened.

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Trump never went after Hillary as he had promised to.

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True -- altho I suspect a good part of his term was either a learning experience into how deep the swamp and/or fending off more important things he wanted accomplished - maybe thinking his 2nd term was all but guaranteed and he'd get around to her then. At least he must have learned telegraphing punches is a bad idea...!

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He has already admitted that he spent his first term making ignorant mistakes.

His current campaign doesn't provide an indication he isn't going to continue doing the same in a second term. Trump never drained the swamp because he enjoyed swimming in it too much. He is everything a narcissistic megalomanic could be expected to be.

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So you're voting for Harris...?

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I'm not voting because my state's legislature changed the rules in the last session and made it more trouble than it is worth. Early voting was limited to 28 days from 45 days, making the cancellation of an important medical appointment hundreds of miles away necessary and wasting the time. They offered to send me a ballot, but there was no way to know where to send it. I was planning on voting for Kennedy, but he had his name removed, and I wasn't interested in voting for the Marxist or the fascist.

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And so it goes...

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PS: It fascinates me as an aircraft mechanic and former caterer, how T.L. and his crew could break down and rebuild an oil rig so often. As an aircraft mechanic, I rebuilt airplanes starting with only the frame, but I didn't have to tear them apart a few weeks later.

With catering, we built and tore down the job on the same day every time. But a catering job isn't an oil rig. I wonder how T.L. and his crew kept track of all the parts and how they fit together.

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I see TL as a guy that can pretty much accomplish anything that he sets his mind to do, and no nonsense tolerated!

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Tim, well, it's all designed to come apart driving two and three (on some rigs, 4 and 5 inch) inch pins out of pins and sockets with sledgehammers, with trucks or cranes holding onto the larger pieces. It is still a marvel to see it happen, though. This huge drilling machine, up to 120 feet tall, which a huge substructure. Working up in North Dakota, everyone wanted to swing the sledgehammers, almost fighting over it. "Lotta heat in a hammer" as they say.

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Lew Rockwell wrote an excellent article this week about how the Presidency and his administrative army of bureaucrats, are the people running the USA. Congress and the Supreme Court are powerless. The Presidency itself as an institution is the great evil.

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"We've outrun the Constitution." T. L. Davis

Truer words never spoken. 2024 is a helluva lot different from the late 1700s.

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Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.

When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.

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When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution. --- What if he's following orders?

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Under the UCMJ, she has the right to refuse to obey illegal orders.

That is what Michael New did.

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Gutsy. Not an equally shared quality.

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Michael New had the guts to pull it off. Not an equally shared quality among the troops or there would be more such actions.

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Michael New did his duty, based on the oath he'd taken when he entered the military. If a soldier lacks the courage to keep his/her oath, they will be of little use when the enemy is shooting at them.

Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.

When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.

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