Great show!

I watched a Rasmussen report episode talking about that poll. He got paid by a Christian group to try to do a similar poll. He wasn't able to replicate the extremely low number of Christian voters in the original poll but even his number showed it was low. Evangelicals were the ones voting the least, which isn't good news for Trump. He also said they reported dissatisfaction with both sides.

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For all his "sins" that offend Evangelicals, I remain curious about their 'principles', i.e., "Trump's so bad and Harris worse, we'll just stay home". Considering Harris and the D's devotion to abortion, it would seem counterproductive to leave her winning to the corruptible winds of the election. IOW, a vote for Trump is a vote against abortion a la Harris. With "forgiveness" a Christian mainstay, it would be logical - if not "Christian" - to forgive Trump's Whatevers and strike a blow against wholesale abortion.

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Given half a chance the dems will destroy the supreme court just to get a Roe vs Wade do-over, I'm with you, how can they sit it out knowing this is true?

I do understand where they are coming from, sort of, It's not exactly easy for me to vote for Trump, although my concerns are a lot different than theirs. It's not like there is a truly moral choice to make or even a terribly good defense to make in favor of voting at all. What are the odds that your one vote will make a difference? Hundreds of thousands to one and that's IF you live in a swing state.

If I didn't live in a swing state I'd vote for Oliver.

I wonder if the Evangelicals in swing states are more likely to vote? I didn't see any data broken down by state on this issue, so there could be some of that going on too. If I were an Evangelical in California I might just ignore the whole farce, in fact I didn't bother voting at all when I lived in California. Hell I was so busy running my businesses I barely paid attention, outside of the occasional anti-war rally I was A-political.

In Michigan though, it's a bigger deal and not just in regards to Trump, getting republicans into Lansing makes a big difference in tax laws in particular and when it comes to local issues a few votes often does make a difference.

If Michigan ends up a solid blue state that would Suck on a lot of levels, so I'm hoping that at least in Michigan the evangelicals come out.

I'm also friends with lot of rednecks who love Trump, who don't vote, they have never set foot in a voting booth and probably never will. They treat the voting booth like Church, they kind of believe it's a good thing for others, just not for them. LOL Not that I blame them but it's a big block of voters who like Trump but they won't do him any good.

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One snowflake is never blamed for the avalanche. Indeed, being part of a large block makes the difference. Similarly, voting locally is the only vote that has some chance of making an impact as well as having a moral rational.

In my "Newest Conspiracy" piece (3/2/24), I wrote: "Destroy the Supreme Court and in doing so, the Constitution and Rule of Law will follow...The only branch of Government holding our three branch system together is the Supreme Court and its reliance of the Constitution and the Rule of Law." As you noted, restoring Roe v. Wade with no restrictions would fulfill the Democrat's wet dream. Once the Big Steal is complete, packing SCOTUS, neutering it, to only serve the Party now in permanent power.

The Evangelical vote question is like an ear worm - I can't thoroughly shake it, the resolution isn't all that important but nags for an answer. If one's beliefs are such that Abortion is a major no-no, then why wouldn't one be loyal to his principles. doing everything possible to prevent national legalization a la Harris - even if it means voting for someone distasteful? Where is the Christian practice of Forgiveness? "Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner"? Forgiveness, forbearance, tolerance as an avenue to prevent national abortion - worth voting or not? How that may worksin the battleground states is great question.

Then again, the futility of the individual vote - especially when based on Conscience - is target rich environment...

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My Dad was born in Dec. 1931 and my Mom in Feb. 1932. I call their generation the "Forgotten Generation". My folks were born at the height of the Depression. My Dad was literally farmed out to his grandfather's farm in southern Minnesota.

The "Greatest Generation" were born in the Roaring Twenties. They fought in WWII. My parents' generation fought in Korea. No big victory there. Quite the opposite.

My parents didn't spoil me. I had a morning paper route 7 days a week for three years (age 12-14). I also was an altar boy. I've spent a lot of time in churches.

On weekends, my Dad would take me hunting for quail and pheasants. This was in eastern Nebraska. It was -10F and a blizzard. That didn't stop my Dad.

We were hunting in this snowstorm and came upon a big thicket. All the birds were in this thicket trying not to freeze to death. They came boiling out of those trees and brush. There were 50-100 birds. Too many birds to take a good aim at. I wonder how many froze to death.

We hunted with a man named Reynolds and his son Brad who was in my class. Mr. Reynolds flew C-46 cargo planes over "The Hump" (Himalayas) from India to China in WWII. It was very dangerous flying.

My Dad and his generation became very successful. They had a good outlook on life. Dad was always in a good mood. He loved people. He hated poverty. Dad never wanted to go through another Depression.

So, IMO, the Greatest Generation was the one of my parents. Not the WWII veterans.

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Great interview! I learned a lot. So, only 10% of churchgoers live the lives of faith. That's still 15 million people. I can see why they won't vote. Both Trump and Harris are murderers and thieves. Trump killed the Iranian general and several bystanders, at the Baghdad Airport with a Hellfire missile. Trump printed trillions of dollars to cover his Covid policy disaster. This led to inflation of the currency and the devaluing of my dollars; theft. Harris, well, how many thousands has she killed in the Middle East and Ukraine? Harris is a more copious killer and thief than Trump.

Trump is the lesser of the two bad guys in this script, but he's still a murderer and a thief.

I can't vote for him again. He's never repented for his sins. He's never apologized to Iran or America. No, I'm with the Christians who won't vote for either candidate.

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