Drain the sewer!

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To abolish the Income Tax, Trump could tell the members of Congress who oppose him, "President Biden used the IRS to go after his political enemies. Barack Obama used the IRS to go after his political enemies. Unless you abolish the Income Tax and the IRS, I will use the IRS to go after my political enemies. The IRS was used against me. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. I will use the IRS against you if you don't abolish it."

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Whitehouse, Bernie Sanders, and Warren attacked Bobby Kennedy because they were all New England Yankees and in The Club. Bobby tore up his membership card and went after The Club. The New England Yankees, who run this country, consider RFK Jr. as a traitor to The Club.

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Good conversation. Only analog is real.

Here is a link to a video on the DC plane crash on LRC:


The suburbs of Washington D.C. in Virginia are the richest counties in the world. If these counties can't even upgrade Dulles Airport and the Washington, D.C. government can't or won't turn DCA into a military airport, what makes any American think the people in DC and its environs give a damn about them? What makes Americans even think the politicians and bureaucrats in DC and its environs are competent?

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