For the week since the Trump Tsunami, the Democrat Losers, i.e. the entire DNC apparatus, have been in Total Meltdown Mode. You can follow the Blame Game on MSNBC, CNN, Twitter/X, FaceBook, Tik Toc and the Death Star: ABCCBSNBCNPR. While moving to Canada, that liberal pitre dish, head-shaving and purple tattooing are all the rage (pun intended), the overriding theme is Complete Cluelessness, “All Blame But No Perp”. Biden? Harris? Pelosi? Sony Holstin’s Nuclear question? Sure. Denial, delusion, deflection, of course. But the bleating heart of the monumental loss has yet to be id’d.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you HUBRIS.
Hubris is a great word. By definition, it encompasses all of the negatives, disorders, causes, emotional issues, and mental problems that brought down the Party of Chaos, Lunacy and Wokey-Dokery. After ten years of having this insulting sludge thrown in our faces and ears, the great majority of voters pulled the lever with both hands for the only candidate who spoke English comprehensibly.
OTOH, Democrats smeared themselves with Hubris the way my then 8-year-old daughter once “applied” her mother’s lipstick. She received an honorary degree from the Ringling Bros. Clown College.
As a collective noun, Hubris incorporates all the repulsive stench and obscene toxicity one hates in a politician as well as his ‘Party’. When on full display as in any “campaign”, it is astounding so many fail to see it. But Political Blindness is one of the side effects found in the fine print on the Kool-Aid envelopes. A review of Hubris ingredients tells all:
Condescension, egotism, vanity, audacity, arrogance, self-absorption, self-importance, self-aggrandizing, elitism, intolerance, judgmental, megalomania on steroids delivered in sneering, insulting, dismissive tut-tut speech and phony nonchalant body language. No amount of make-up, eye-shadow, implants, Botox, lifts, or tape editing can hide it. Even if you can’t “see it” (with your own lying eyes!), every sentient being can sense it, feel it. Anyone of voting age has already had it dumped on them in suffocating volume to choke on it in any form.
“They have no levity, no joy, and no tolerance for anything that is not exactly like them… single-minded, enforced, non-optional for your own good whether you like it or not because we know best consensus.” (El Gato Malo)
When the choice – Harris or Trump – had to be made, the Hubris turned fatal. They dislike the people they needed to convince to vote for them and they dislike the fact that they needed to woo them even more. It’s literally “What are the magic words to make the damnable demos dance to our tune?” and it showed.
And it continues – even internally.
“Trump’s landslide victory causing infighting and division among House Democrats confused about why Trump won!
‘Trump won reelection in a landslide and moved 48 states to the right in the process.’ one far-left House Democrat told Axios that “some real responsibility to be taken” by leadership in the establishment. “Just acting like we’re in a pep rally, saying, ‘You all did a good job. … I think it’s bullsh*t. Let’s acknowledge that we failed.”
Ya think?
Add to flaunting Hubris, the Dems couldn’t have lost so thoroughly without the enthusiastic, wholesale support from every MSM outlet – FOX News generally abstaining. Blatant reporting bias replaced what was already a poor excuse for once principled Journalism which had already begun to disintegrate over 50 years ago when covering my first civil rights march in Baton Rouge. Misogyny was firmly in place when my wife, a degreed broadcast Journalist, began her career over 35 years ago. By the 2016 presidential election, liberal media had a lead bigger than Secretariat had at Belmont. Democrats just couldn’t have done it without such outright complicity. Interestingly, in this post-mortem period, the MSM continues using the same denial via censorship and embargoed reporting as Democrats used lies and patently illegal procedures and practices. (File under Old dogs-New tricks)
Despite being bludgeoned by repudiation at the ballot box, both entities remain infected with that same Hubris today. News ratings are tanking at all broadcast and cable outlets. That means a significant loss of advertising revenue which leads to major layoffs. As I type, 7-figure salaried CNN ‘personalities’ are rumored to be waiting for the pink slips to arrive.
Meanwhile, back in the Logic Free Zone, Republican senators went All-Secret to vote for a new Majority Leader (John Theune won), replacing the barf-inducing, repulsive-on-so-many-levels, Chuckie “Down My Nose” Schumer. Constituents (aka Voters) across the country lit up X for the move. Putting their phones Direct-To-Voicemail, copying a stunt House Republicans pulled when struggling to yank the gavel away from Kevin McCarthy. Sen. Cornyn was assumed to be a near shrew-in, but it wasn’t to be. Maybe his memorable anti-gun comments came back to haunt him or the more recent not wanting to “deal with internet trolls” leading the charge against him. With Rick Scott the People’s Choice, there’s little love lost for Theune among the Electorate for his past disparaging remarks about Trump. Social media is a putting him on notice as “not being MAGA” and “already on thin ice”.
Tulsi Gabbard is far from thrilled with the (still) rumor of Marco Rubio for SOS; she says he’s a war hawk of NeoCon proportions, not really aligned with Trump’s anti-war stance. She is also reported to be sincerely disappointed FOX News Pete Hegseth received Trump’s choice for Sec Def, something she had been hoping for big time.
Well! All these Interesting side-shows to discuss among ourselves while waiting to see what big surprise(s), if any, may blow up by Jan 6 or Jan 20.
Interesting Times continue…
Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading this far!
"Hubris" is the exact word I was thinking of as well to describe the leftist Democratic Party. "What? You don't like eating insect gruel and living four to a room? You don't like your savings disappearing with 25% inflation in four years? This is good for you. Like it. We say you will like it!"
Tulsi was given the Director of National Intelligence post. How much power will she have? Who will Trump listen to (if anyone)?