"Hubris" is the exact word I was thinking of as well to describe the leftist Democratic Party. "What? You don't like eating insect gruel and living four to a room? You don't like your savings disappearing with 25% inflation in four years? This is good for you. Like it. We say you will like it!"
Tulsi was given the Director of National Intelligence post. How much power will she have? Who will Trump listen to (if anyone)?
"Hubris" is the exact word I was thinking of as well to describe the leftist Democratic Party. "What? You don't like eating insect gruel and living four to a room? You don't like your savings disappearing with 25% inflation in four years? This is good for you. Like it. We say you will like it!"
Tulsi was given the Director of National Intelligence post. How much power will she have? Who will Trump listen to (if anyone)?