In a recent FB post on the methodology and accuracy of polling, Guest Scribbler Brad Smith wrote:
“So why are the MSM polls wrong so often? The problem actually comes from their Formulas that determine the total weighted Value, all they need to do is underestimate how many Republicans there are in the first place. Plus they rely on what amounts to shady call centers that do poor sampling in general…”
An accurate observation just in time…
There is a pattern forming here that looks eerily similar to the last election. Remember how incredulous everyone was that Biden was running what became known as his Basement Campaign; very few public appearances and even when they did occur, attendance was so embarrassing there was never a wide shot of the venue. Meanwhile, Trump was SRO wherever he went. How could he lose?!
Just like today.
Similarly, the FOX News daily line-up hasn’t failed to mention that Kamela hasn’t held a press conference since her coronation at the Back Room Coup. While she has visited some select venues of historical Democrat support, the MSM has treated their audience with short outtakes with ‘cheering crowd’ sound effects to supplement the dozens actually there. Simultaneously, the networks, along with cable, print, and social media, have been taking Bleach Bit to her resume lest some interested person discovers the rabid San Francisco liberal she always has been - although ‘Liberal’ might be too conservative. “Harris represents not merely a continuation of the Obama-Clinton-Biden doctrine of progressive interventionism at home and abroad but an acceleration.” – Connor O’Keeffe, “Kamela Harris Is Awful”.
Bring on the Polls!
And just like that, Kamela transitions to Wonder Woman from “Wonder Why You’re Here, Woman?.” The “drag on the ticket” is now the Savior of our Democracy, while Biden disappears into the ether of irrelevance with mailed-in leadership. After 10 days of the MSM’s sloppy slobbering – whaddaya know! – Harris, who just 11 days ago was polling significantly lower than Biden, is suddenly tied with Trump, even holding a slim lead in some! Is this a great country or what?
Surely you recall the last election when the Cellar Dweller somehow beat Donald Trump with a 2AM arrival of ballot-laden pallets and computer-generated spikes of Biden votes catapulting Biden into the White House. The evidence of vote fraud in several ‘Battleground” states was – and is – repeatedly declared irrelevant and Immaterial; no court decided in Trump’s favor. Of course, “the evidence never saw the light of a courtroom” is the stuff of sore losers. Yes, there have been many investigations, hearings, and state examinations revealing most of Trump’s allegations had the substance successful lawsuits are made of. Remarkably, ‘false’ voter rolls have been brought in line in multiple districts; at least one person, Hartford’s Wanda Geter-Pataky, got nabbed for ballot stuffing – but the serious stuff was stonewalled through paid-for legal corruption and predictable media embargos.
2024 could be an Instant Replay of the DNC- Big Tech - MSM skullduggery of 2020.
Why not? They got away with it once, even with eyewitnesses and videos of rigging-in-action.
Since it was that easy to steal an election, why not do it again? Why risk an uber-popular Donald Trump trouncing Harris of the Empty Pantsuit? And what a risk that is for the Party of Chaos! Don’t you think the scrungebuckets who masterminded 4 years of Lawfare while propping up President Pantload aren’t fully aware of being exposed with a new Trump Justice Dept. in place?
I’ve scribbled numerous times about polls, how they’re done, and the ease with which one can buy a poll; books have been written about it. Politicians and corporations have used polling for decades to move their candidate, agenda, or product. The only difference has been the precision of the technology. And I suggest it’s happening again.
In just 10 days of Kammie Love, she goes from Worst to First in various polls. And what a variety! The Blow-Dried TV Types just love White Screening the breakdown of Who Loves Kamela: Suburban Moms, Urban Black Moms, Older Women of Questionable Extraction, Iridescently Ignorant College Girls, Man-Bun Soy Boys, LGBTQRST+/-, Left-Handed Bi-Polar Indistinguishables Who Eat Brussel’s Sprout…the list is endless and “all in Love With Kammie!”, the polls say. And why not? Women are the Democrats largest voting block. But are the polls right this time?
Ah! But “the race is tight, tight, tight!” Isn’t it always? With less than 100 days to spare, nothing but a full-court press of Media Marinated Bovine Excrement can stop Orange Man Bad!
This accomplishes 2 things in my Machiavellian Strategy Book.
1. Massive pressure on those Groups Mentioned Above to get up the cash and get out the vote!
2. (Most important) It keeps the race “close” in the minds of those paying attention. Even with Zuckerberg, Soros, Bezos, and other deep pockets from last time under close scrutiny this time, there will still be plenty of Dark Money the Left is famous for to hornswoggle the Wanda’s, other similarly unprincipled beings, and those amazing voting machines to produce just enough “ballots” to move Kamela and the First Dude into 1600 PA. Ave. and American further down the dustbin of history.
The “very tight polls” will make it all appear as a perfectly honest horse race won by a perfectly dishonest whorse.
Recall friend Brad’s observation: “…all they need to do is underestimate how many Republicans there are in the first place. Plus, they rely on what amounts to shady call centers that do poor sampling in general…”
Unbelievable as it may seem, I could be wrong and Trump will win in such a landslide –even in DC! – all the Dems bucks won’t be able to pull this one out.
But pollaganda has worked so well for them while Republicans maintain their stunning ability to snatch Defeat from the jaws of Victory.
Stay tuned…
Well the republicans better start a major TikTok campaign about her past as an Attorney General and United States Senator. The Dems are better at social media than the Republicans. They have approximately 100 days to make a difference. Let's see if they can pull this off.
PS I agree the poll are off. I truly never believe them but I am always interested in the numbers.
The recent Venezuela presidential election saw Maduro win again. LOL! Data shows his opponent won around 70% of the vote. No matter. Maduro's gang counts the votes. The Venezuelans aren't happy about the result, but they are unarmed.
Voting is useless once the dictators take power. That is what we have in the USA.