"Gun Violence" is a ridiculous term, but that is what the "1984" Double-Speak folks specialize in. "Date Rape" is another one. Who rapes a date? Are they talking about calendar dates? The fruit?

Why can we say "A person of color" but saying "colored person" is forbidden?

Why can we say "N-Word" but not "nigger"?

What the hell does "Climate Change" mean? What's the time frame? Are we talking about an HVAC system here changing the climate in our homes and buildings?

And "Green Energy". What does that mean? The electrons are green?

My favorite is "Sustainable". What the hell on this planet is sustainable? I'm not sustainable. The planet isn't sustainable. The Solar System isn't sustainable. I sure as hell know that time isn't sustainable. It just keeps on going by.

"Gun Violence" is just another idiotic term from our masters to confuse us and get us bickering with each other.

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Let's not forget that when certain groups commit crimes, that it's clearly never their own fault, society is to blame and that apparently included blaming our gun laws (even laws dems passed), which somehow allowed otherwise peaceful citizens to engage in violence. This is part and parcel of the whole "You can't blame the perpetrators" line of thinking. If it CAN'T be the fault of the individual, then it must be the guns fault or our fault for not limiting guns.

From this perspective "WE" are creating more victims by not keeping the innocent, totally blameless perps from ending up in jail. Clearly the prisons would not be packed full of innocent POC if not for the evil guns that made them commit crimes. It's practically entrapment!! We give them the means, the opportunity and the motive, so of course we are to blame, not the perps.

Obviously violence will continue, even if you magically took all the guns out of the hands of criminals, which is as likely as me becoming an NBA star, but that's beside the point. The point is they have found a scapegoat, blaming guns is an easy out. However, if they weren't blaming guns they would still not put the blame where it belongs, on individuals. They can't, their entire ideology is set up to support the narrative of the victim class NEVER being perpetrators of anything.

Furthermore, guns in our hands, limit their power and obviously anything that limits their power must go, making the push for more gun laws a two-for-one proposition.

They want you dependent on them for protection, that's the goal, not keeping you safe. Furthermore, they want to keep alive their race hustle, which has kept so many of them in power.

So tell me it's not all about who controls the levers of power.

Ps. Notice that they don't blame immigration laws or illegals, why? Because illegal immigration is poised to be turned into amnesty, which they believe would keep them all in power for another generation. They play lip service to fixing this issue, but we all know that it's for the cameras and that behind the scenes they are in favor of getting more democrat voters regardless of how they do it.

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How much time, energy and money have been wasted overturning gun laws promoted by DEMOCRATS?

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Frank, I think that's the idea of the Democrats passing gun laws. They want their enemies energies dissipated on fighting gun laws. Keep the divisions in the people going.

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