I have to say I'm blown away by the hypocrisy of the left when it comes to denouncing Political Rhetoric, which they claim leads to political violence. Apparently the only rhetoric that EVER counts comes from the Right, NEVER the left.
When they call Trump a Threat to Democracy, in the exact same sentence in which they denounce political violence, you can be sure it's 100% pure unadulterated bullshit.
Can anyone tell me how Calling Trump a Threat is compatible with their calls to tone down the rhetoric? LOL of course not, because it's laughable to assume that only one team's rhetoric should be silenced. But that's in fact what they want isn't it? Don't they really just want to shut up their competition because it means they get to keep power even when their policies are dangerous?
Let's face the facts, the left's rhetoric towards Trump has been insane for years, it's by far the worst of my life time, nothing else has come within a country mile of it. According to the left Trump is Hitler, Charles Manson and the KKK's Grand Wizards all rolled into one. Then after years of stating this we are supposed to believe they want the rherotic toned down? Really???
This current nut job who tried to kill Trump stated repeatedly that the Russia/Ukraine war is between good and evil. Having spent years calling Trump a Putin Puppet, it all but assured that this nut would see Trump as a purely evil man who needed to die.
Our entire media claimed Trump colluded with Russia, this man clearly hates Russia, but our media can't seem to find the connection. There is no man so blind as those who will not see, but I think these people see just fine, they are lying, there is a difference. They know their rhetoric is every bit as dangerous if not more dangerous than anything Trump has ever said.
Do you see the pattern here? Isn't just Do as We Say and NEVER as WE Do? YOU need to shut up and sit down, while we slander YOU. Isn't that really what they are saying?
I won't even get into the long list of lies that helped launch the Summer of Love's Mostly Peaceful Riots or how marching with them and bailing them out payed into how long the riots continued.
Ultimately each individual is responsible for their own actions. You can't blame political rhetoric for the actions of nut jobs, nor can we curtail political rhetoric without it effecting our safety.
For instance, I honestly do believe that Harris and her policies could lead to WWIII. Should I shut up about this potential threat to all our lives because some nut might take this to mean it's their job to save us all by killing Harris? If so it can be used as an excuse to silence anyone who has concerns about what our actions might bring about.
I absolutely reject the idea that any of us should tone down our rhetoric and part of the reason for this is that it would mean we can't speak out about possible legitimate threats. Stopping people from voicing their fears is far more dangerous than anything else we could do, it would in fact assure the destruction of our Republic because politicians could silence any dissenting voices by calling the dissenter's Rhetoric the same thing as "violence".
How about talking about Illegals? Should we just shut up about this threat, no matter how badly it's effecting our nation because it might be hurtful for some to hear about it? Should we have remained silent about the danger posed by the Republican neo-cons who led us into wars based on lies, because pointing out those lies might lead to a politician being killed?
If the White house thinks the world will be saved if Trump is kept out of office, it would actually be their duty to bring this to the attention of the voters, in the same way I believe it's my duty to warn of the possibility of escalation in Ukraine leading to WWIII.
Does this mean that it's impossible for political rhetoric to play a roll in how and why a nutjob picks a target? No, it's entirely possible that nuts are swayed by rhetoric, they are nuts after all, they can and will be influenced by Anything and Everything and NONE of it has to make a lick of sense to anyone else.
I do have to wonder though, how can anyone who's as hypocritical on issues like this get taken serious by Anyone? The idiot spokesperson for the White House literally called Trump a threat to democracy, while calling for people to tone down their rhetoric. Is the American public actually so stupid that they buy that line of hogwash. Are they so dumb that they can't see how this is simply an excuse to silence the opposition?
Brad Smith, Guest Scribbler
Governor Gavin Newsom does an ad for Kamala Harris in the link above. (Babylon Bee satire.) But it is all true.
Half the people in California disapprove, if not hate, Governor Gavin Newsom. The poll is from Nov. 2023. I bet even more disapprove of him now. California is a mess.
So, I think people see the hypocrisy in the politicians and bureaucrats just fine.
> And you want them to govern you?
I don't want anybody to "govern" me or anybody else. And someone might be a "threat to democracy"? Good. Democracy and other forms of statism are threats to human decency and human flourishing.