I confess. I did it. With temps in the 90s, humidity in the 70s, and an Official Heat Advisory to boot, I canceled my Sunday visit to the range to sight in some new sporting equipment. Instead, I held my nose and actually watched whole minutes of some Sunday morning “news” programs: “This Week” (ABC), “Media Buzz” (FOX), and “Meet The Press” (NBC). Suspicions confirmed: all were vacuous, predictably biased, redundant regurgitations of the same stories their “news” programs had covered all week. Since these programs are (allegedly) for adults who follow current events, I always hoped the content would reflect deeper forward-looking ruminations based on information accumulated during the week.
Duh. As far as I know, it has never been thus.
Over the decades of show prep and other job required homework, I intentionally became an undedicated viewer who never set his schedule and recording devices so as to not miss a syllable. Chuck Todd, Kristen Welker, and their ilk are cloying in their political bias, dedicated liberals who invite a token Republican or two as Guests to play the Punching Bag. Comically, when FOX's chunky anchor, the ever-stammering Bret Baier, gets a Liberal guest, he perfectly displays the embarrassed gutlessness of most conservatives, posing questions that have all the heft of cotton candy.
Kudos to Maria Bartiromo, who not only engages guests in articulate discussions but also ensures that her questions get answers, regardless of Party membership. This morning, one of her semi-regular guests was the New York Post’s Miranda Divine. Today, responding to Bartiromo’s open-ended question on the current political landscape - “How do you think things are going?” Divine responded with the concern the MSM is giving little coverage and no concern about Hunter Biden sitting in as an advisor to the Big Guy during discussions of classified issues
As noted in yesterday’s Letters, We still Get Letters, “The best a scribbler of opinion can do is prod the reader to think.” To do this, the reader needs new information, not the looped refrain of the same story endlessly repeated. Bartiromo did this, letting Divine toss out the new fact of a convicted felon having access to and influence over President Daddy. The need for new information and critical thinking is urgent, especially when it comes to issues like Hunter Biden’s attendance and the MSM’s failure to report it and demand answers. NBC and Newsweek were the only mainstream outlets to mention it.
Re-hashing the Joe Biden Re-Election Lottery will no doubt continue this week with the usual commentators guessing their usual guesses disguised as News. FWIW, I think some Surprise announcements may come sooner rather than later. Whether they will resolve the Democrat’s Gregorian Knot a la Biden remains to be seen or heard. Their problem is analogous to stepping on a land mine. You’re OK as long as you don’t move. – but there is this large tarantula crawling up your leg, passing your kneecap, and heading north. What to do? Any move is a bad one. But I’m sure Barry and his influencers will come up with something!
More to come this week, especially Wednesday evening's questionable performance of “The Two and Only” with friend Jim Bovard. Meanwhile, avoid spicy foods.
Thanks for reading this far. Hope your July 4th Weekend was everything you hoped for. If not, we’ll get another chance next year. I hope!
Bret Baier drove me off FoxNews cold turkey with the exception of Greg Gutfeld and Jimmy Failla…
They have a twenty four hour news cycle and yet you can tune in for five minutes and hear everything they have to offer in under five minutes, then they wonder why people don't want to pay for cable news.
One of the few out there who seems to put any effort into bringing a fresh spin or something different each show is Gutfeld. I don't even watch him unless it's a clip on youtube, but I've seen enough of his opening monologues to understand why he's popular.