Joe, a subscriber and friend from way back to my days on WABC/NY (1980-1984), recently wrote: “Nice to hear from you. I was a bit concerned since…with so much (politically) going on, felt it was uncharacteristic of you not to be chiming in with your take.”
Joe raises a good point, one that has not been addressed since Brianwilsonwrites debuted on Substack in December 2022. So, before I get to Conspiracy Theory Update #3, here is…
The Mission Statement
Starting the Substack series was prompted by several things important to scribblers who believe they may have something to offer to the expanding discussions about current events and their impact on our country, society, and lives. With some exceptions, many writers’ writings overlap their neighbors with nuanced ways of saying things, covering the same subject with similar points. If you’re a student of the Passing Parade, it’s more than likely you know the subject and all its common footnotes already. I do. Back in the broadcast biz, we called that Show Prep. Doing a Talk Radio show requires a decent host to be up on as many different angles to a story as well as the obscure ones and, hopefully, those of his own contemplation. A Host who blathers the same old same old you’ve heard or read a dozen times will not be presenting a compelling show. He/she is just providing another echo chamber for things you know already; it may be comforting but not informative.
One thing Rush Limbaugh and I discussed after our ‘legendary’ shows together in Atlanta was the need for originality, not just in the presentation but also the need to have a level of content that exceeds what “everyone else” is doing. That was the secret ingredient of what each of us already had programmed into what we did for every show, every day. (Unfortunately, Ed McLaughlin discovered Rush on KFBK/Sacramento before I got there!)
So when it came to blogging, websites, and free-lance scribbling here and here, the standard of creativity and content remained. Succinctly, Joe, that’s why I haven’t been “chiming In with my take” lately. One of the MSM’s worst habits is piling on the Latest Big Story, giving every available moment of programming to beat the audience to death with profoundly painful redundancy until the last irrelevant syllable has been choked out of some crying ‘victim’ so the “story” can die a natural death, i.e., the next news cycle. Take the latest feeding frenzy over Joe Biden’s various mental health issues. No one really knows the precise problem, but speculation from ‘experts’ and amateurs sucks the air time out of every studio and newscast. Most aren’t advancing the story; they’re using it as a platform for preaching their pro/con sermon. This is Boring Programming at its best, an abdication of Journalism’s professional responsibility at its worst. As a matter of subject and content, it is something, maybe the most important thing, I work to avoid on Substack. Readers can judge for themselves whether I hit the mark or not. In the end, don’t look here for the same things you can find in profusion anywhere else.
“What’s the point? Aren’t you just preaching to the choir?” – Possibly. Most readers won’t waste their time reading something with which they don’t agree or doesn’t inform or entertain them. Even if changing hearts and minds is the goal, rarely will a True Believer be converted. The best a scribbler of opinion can do is prod the reader to think. There’s a great scene in “Inherit the Wind”, one of my favorite movies. The conclusion of this scene encapsulates the mission of what I hope you find here, whether written by me or by writers with the same goal.
Irrespective of the above, thanks for reading this far!
Now…Conspiracy Theory Update #3
ICYMI, you’ll want to read/review my prediction from my mildly dysfunctional crystal ball: The Newest Conspiracy Theory (March 2, 2024) and the first update: Conspiracy Theory Revisited (May 9, 2024).
Someone insightful wrote “Conspiracy Theories” are merely “Today’s News” six months early.” If true, I may be a tad behind schedule – but still on the right track.
Here are some links to stories that confirm the basis for my Theory:
Jan 8 2010: First recording of a President’s blatant attack on SCOTUS
This is not the first time in history this has happened. Eisenhower, FDR, and Jackson took their whacks, but this marks the first in a series within a limited and purposeful time frame
March 4, 2020: Schumer threatens Kavanagh and Gorsuch
While this received substantial coverage, Schumer was not responsible for what many saw as a direct threat to SCOTUS judges, which is a felony.
5/13/22 Pre Dobbs ruling Picketing SCOTUS justices – against the law, but DOJ/AG Garland does nothing.
June 2022 ‘One of our darkest days’: outrage after Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade
June 2022 Barack and Michelle Obama Call Supreme Court Ruling ‘Devastating’
July 2022 Joe Biden Friday called the U.S. Supreme Court “extremist” and “out of control”
6/29/23 President Biden delivered remarks following the Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative action…After the speech, a reporter asked Biden whether the high court was "rogue," to which he responded, "This is not a normal court.”
July 1, 2024: Biden says the court's decision puts "virtually no limits on what a president can do" and all but ensures Trump won't be tried for his role in the effort to undermine the transfer of power.
July 2, 2024 Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested that desperate times call for desperate measures as she looks to stop the Supreme Court from continuing what she views as an "assault on democracy"
July 2,2024 Democrat floats theory Biden could dispatch military to 'take out' conservative justices’ under immunity ruling
July 6, 2024 The U.S. Supreme Court ruling granting presidential immunity for official acts -- seen as benefiting Donald Trump in his Jan. 6 trial -- has renewed calls to impeach or take other "aggressive oversight" against conservative members of the court.
This collection does not comprise anywhere near the total of Liberal reactions to the SCOTUS Immunity ruling. In addition, there are scores of similar responses from the Court’s Dobbs and Affirmative Action rulings, nearly all of which make some reference to retaliation against the Supreme Court. As noted in my Conspiracy Theory, this is a reflection of the infestation of liberal termites anxious to destroy the credibility and sanctity of a separate but equal branch of government that has the additional “benefit” (to them) of erasing the Rule of Law, leaving liberal courts and judges at all levels in complete control of our legal system. A review of the ‘Lawfare’ still being waged against Donald Trump and many of his allies provides an unsettling peek into the future if they succeed. As the stories confirm, they have zero intention of giving up.
Of course, it’s just a Conspiracy Theory….
Coming up: The return of “The Two and Only” when author and investigative rapscallion, Jim Bovard joins me again later this week. Also in the works, a definitive look at the Greatest Liberal Lie: Abortion. And a look at the MSM’s treatment of Titles! Did you know I’m actually an Attorney General, Governor, and Mayor in 3 different states? It’s true! Credentials to be posted soon. But not now. Prepare to be impressed!
Ahh, "Inherit the Wind" brings back a fond memory. Back in the 1980s, the local theater in Edmonds, WA put on a production of "Inherit the Wind". I lived in Edmonds back then. I took my young daughter to the play. It was a small theater so we had great seats. Thanks for reminding me of that happy evening.
Recently, due to "Boring Programming", I have canceled several substack subscriptions. Brian's substack is one subscription I kept.
The Supreme Court bores me. It is never on my side. The Supremes ruling on the Selective Service Act and Military Draft being Constitutional and not against the 14th Amendment, really pisses me off.
The Supremes do NOT uphold the US Constitution so to hell with 'em.
Anything that gets in their way must go. I have little doubt that they would like to see the Supreme court undermined or done away with, same for free speech by the way.