It was almost exactly what I expected.

I figured Trump wouldn't be prepared but Harris would be and the moderators being in the bag for Harris was a given. I think Trump won by a hair, simply because Harris lied so often and her demeanor was far from pleasant, over time it will cost her votes. I know it's not supposed to matter, but the people tuned in to see Harris and decide if she's the real deal AND if she's likeable. She is the real deal or at least she can pretend to be one if prepped enough, but so was Hillary and she's about as likeable.

I doubt if anyone will change their mind about voting FOR Trump, people either like him and his policies or they don't.

The question is whether or not the debate made more people want to vote for Harris and against Trump. Did she become more "likeable" is the big question, it' s not policy that's for sure. I get it that Trump haters will like her performance, but will the fence sitters feel the JOY? She can't be both the Nice lady who fills your heart with kindness and the bitch who put on that performance.

Did it make her seem more "honest" or did we see a lying prosecutor who was given a hand up by the moderators? Nobody likes a cheater or a liar or a bitch, she appeared to be all three. Will that help Get out the Votes?

It's all about feelings for the fence sitters, did she give them the warm fuzzy feelings they were hoping to see thanks to the "JOY" message.

Would you like to sit down and have a beer with the woman on that stage? I'd rather poke my eyes out with a blunt stick than spent a day around her, I'm sure I'm not the only one.

By the way, the fox crowd would have liked to see Trump on the attack and using zingers on her etc. But the last thing Trump needed to do was make her into a sympathetic figure and if he'd "won" the debate by being a Dick to her, that would have actually given her a long term win. Her likeability would have gone up instead of down as the press would have amplified the message that Trump was bullying her.

She didn't get bullied, it would have helped her more if she had.

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You "checked all the boxes". My dangling question - aside from BWW readers, MAGAs, Never-Ts, and Dems, how many of the 47M watching were sufficiently informed to catch the snark and lies? The Public's image is a composite of Watter's "Johnny" dweeb-on-the-street, i.e., pretty damn stupid to superbly uniformed. How would they know she was lying when the Ds use those for talking points, betting on Truth Thru Repetition? How many D votes will be cast regardless of candidate/veracity if D Control is the only way to keep the gravy train running? And then there's Soros, fraud, lawfare, MSM silence...

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I looked up the TV ratings. 47.5 million American dummies watched the debate. Maybe they were hoping to see a fight break out. Maybe Trump would throw a bucket of water on Harris and she'd melt away. Maybe Trump would sing, "If I were the King of the Foooorrrreeeeeest!"

Is David Muir an android?

In other news, a UK study shows that children born in 2000 and now entering kindergarten are two years behind in social skill, hand to eye coordination, and have anger issues. Gee, I wonder why.

I doubt if a word in the debates was said about the damage the lockdowns caused. Or the million dead Ukrainians and Russians and Gazans and Israelis. Or the dying of King Dollar.

Naaaahhhh! Let's talk about Haitians eating geese at the park.

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There may be as many motives to watch as there were watchers. Food fight, honest information, a rifle shot from the back of the room...who knows. Some may have wanted to hear about lockdown damage. But real-time Conflict is a sure audience getter and this one had plenty of hype along with cooperative Helpers. ABC-Harris got what they wanted and what they paid for. Harris hadn't had that easy a night since Willie Brown ran out of Viagra.

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Brian, LOL at the Harris/Brown joke. I remember a reporter asking retired Mayor Willie, dapper as ever, a year ago or so, "How did you handle the homeless problem in San Francisco when you were mayor?"

"I sent out the water trucks at 4 AM to wash the streets and sidewalks. Nothing like a hosing at 4 AM with cold water to wake up a bum and convince him to move on."

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Whatever works...

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Brian, Now, the Bleeding Heart Bum/Addict Lovers won't let the city molest the Sidewalk Shitters in any way.

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