It's called "Green Mail". States have sold the Gov their Constitutional authority for many things and for a lot less. Congressional Republicans have led the charge to cede authority - or looked the other way - giving Congressional power to the Executive...the piss and moan when they can't stop Presidential edicts.

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With federal agents headed to Texas having a pre subscribed agenda, obstruction is the least of the charges they could face down at the border. More proper would be to change such agents with sedition in the least, and more realistically with conspiracy to undermine or overthrow the government of the State of Texas.

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Volatility growing by the day. Unless Biden takes the court route for "resolution", the week(s) ahead could produce any number of scenarios.

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Indeed, and none of those scenarios bodes well at this point.

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I remember when some NJ Senator wanted the drinking age for ALL the states raised to 21. Reagan signed the bill (asshole!)

To enforce this government edict from DC, Reagan withheld all Federal Highway Funds from states that didn't go along with the 21 year old drinking age law.

So, Goodbye 3.2% beer in South Dakota and Kansas. Goodbye to Nebraska's 19 year old drinking age limit.

Extortion pure and simple.

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