I vote “None of the Above” and “No Confidence in the System”
Brian Wilson
If only Do Not Consent brought No Longer Obligated to Obey
Timmy Taes
Brian - If Only…I realize I’m a serf but that doesn’t mean I have to like it or vote for it.
Brian Wilson
So don’t. (I’m sure you’re not) Why not use all that spare time surfing for other serfs? There’s a shortage, ya know…
Maybe the most vexing issue is: How much longer will "average Americans" willingly endure the criminality being practiced daily right in their faces by the bedlamites running the Government-Media complex and their co-conspirators, the "Big Everything"? The old trope "you don't know what you don't know" isn't trite when considered in the light of darkness -i.e., the regularly unreported acts of a criminal government due to the willing abdication of responsibility of the MSM. It was the Founding Dads’ understanding that an unfettered press would act as the citizens' "watchdog at the gate," warning them when the government was acting out of Constitutional bounds, threatening their Freedom. The First Amendment would guarantee media protection. No longer. Now, the MSM protects the Government from citizen outrage and accountability by keeping ‘average Americans’ ignorant, misinformed, and oblivious to its criminal behavior.
Would the ‘great American experiment in self-governance’ have become this corrupted without the co-conspiratorial cooperation of a compromised press?
With such consistent malpractice, what can the “average citizen” do to wake his slumbering neighbor? A subscription to the NYT or WaPo? CNN/MSNBC re-runs? A personal consult with The Binder? If it weren’t for Alt Media like X, Tucker Carlson, Zero Hedge, Jim Bovard, Lew Rockwell, Matt Taibbi, Elizabeth Nickson, T.L. Davis, and the virtual hailstorm of the talented, experienced, dedicated, and prolific writers and podcasters on Substack and across the cyber-verse, we would be in even Deeper Fertilizer.
Above is the link to the assassination of Huey P. Long. Start at the 5:26:00 mark. Huey went after the hot-blooded Creoles of St. Landry Parish in Louisiana who hated Huey Long. That was a mistake.
Never mess with the Creoles.
Yes, great article. The fourth estate, the press, has let us all down. The government used to threaten and jail the press. Now it buys them. Sad situation.
Thank goodness for the writers you mention, including yourself, that keep the light of liberty and truth alive.