We’ve been here before – and not pleasantly. Fear Porn gives Factual Reality a bad name. See: The Boy Who Cried Wolf .
“Why are there suddenly so many stories about deadly diseases in the news? We are just a little over two months away from November, and so this is a perfect time to deeply alarm the general public about a coming health crisis, right? But this time around it isn’t just one major disease that is making news. As you will see below, people are freaking out about 3 different very frightening diseases.” – Michael Snyder
As recently noted, Fear is the Government’s go-to weapon; panic and paralysis the two worst side effects. Think of the COVID-19 ‘Pandemic,’ lockdowns, schools canceled, businesses closed, and the cruel deaths of infants and the elderly. All this was done by presumed government authority through dictatorial agencies, bureaucrats, governors, mayors, medical “experts,” and law enforcement preposterously “following the science.” And just before a presidential election. Voting regulations were quickly re-written and installed just in time to accommodate the fraud to be perpetrated by Democrats and their sycophants at all levels. Most everyone paying attention knows that now, and you wouldn’t think our fellow citizens would get fooled again - but TPTB are angling for a replay:
‘Aron Solomon, chief strategy officer for Amplify…is of the opinion that we need to bring back 2020-style lockdowns on account of the alleged new “summer wave.” The Hill
Will we go along to get along again this time?
If, thanks to Alt Media, you’ve learned your lessons, raised your awareness, and fortified your intestinal fortitude, you won’t be among the ‘Mask-In-the-Car’ crowd or the ‘No Family Thanksgiving’ folks.
Unfortunately, new bad news is ready to visit our world.
If you’ve cut back on your news consumption, this story may have passed you by:
“Due to the Biden-Harris administration allowing millions of illegal migrants into our country, the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua is now taking over suburbs of Denver, CO.”
"Parts of the city are absolutely under this gang control. The local media is downplaying this. I believe politics is being played with people's lives. ... Nothing is being done to help the American citizens that are being trapped under this gang's control."- Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky said.
Remember this when you cast your vote in November because if you think this gang will stay only in sanctuary cities and won’t come to your neighborhood, you are gravely mistaken.”
Tren De Aragua, M-13 and similar foreign gangs are here, armed and acting with impunity, especially in smaller towns with insufficient police protection throughout America. As the need for self-defense is rising, the Federal government, BATFE, and Blue state legislatures are busy cracking down on American gun owners with more restrictive laws and regulations. As the saying goes, “You can’t make this stuff up.”
Murder, rape, assault, looting, child abductions, social violence don't require gangs. Thanks mainly to ‘citizen journalists’ and their cell phones, stories are reported across the country with a frequency and regularity never seen to this extent until the Biden-Harris ‘Open Borders’ policy was instituted after their election. Personal tragedies aside, the illegal immigration costs to American citizens currently exceed $150B billion annually.
And this just in...
Migrant groups attempt to board school buses in California.
Preparations for another pandemic, with all the commercial, financial, and social fracturing from a few years ago, are reportedly waiting for November 5 to inch closer. Crime is increasing in numbers, violence, and locations, while political leaders falsely claim “crime is down.” The stress of growing inflation and vanishing savings is ramped up with every news cycle. The need for resolution via a Trump victory is reaching levels approaching desperation equaled only by the Democrat's hyper-need to maintain their grip on Government power and control; “winning at any cost” should not be taken lightly. Since 2016, the Lawfare used against Trump and his allies by a thoroughly corrupted legal system is only the visible part. The Butler, PA. assassination attempt was not supposed to turn out that way. Over fifty days of multiple investigations by all the usual Keystone agencies and Congressional committees have produced nothing but Serious Letters to Follow, ignored document demands, and supposedly exasperated politicians getting TV face time to boldly condemn the predictability of what will become the Official Shrug from the FBI, Secret Service, and Congressional investigations.
Are these legitimate reasons to be seriously concerned, or just more Fear Porn to keep everyone distracted?
Looking at the Big Picture, including All of the Above, the very real danger of WWIII is growing thanks to the Neo-Con’s Ukraine Money Pit. The entire cast of Middle East countries is facing nuclear threats from Iran. The unavoidable China-Taiwan Cage Match has America thoroughly involved while disastrously unprepared to deal with any one of these, thanks to feckless Government waste, inconceivable incompetence, and imbecilic WOKE priorities.
As of this writing, it is less than 65 days until Election Day. The implications for the results are staggering to the point of cognitive dissonance. Sadly, good friends, family members, and neighbors cannot acknowledge the once-in-a-lifetime calamity of consequences we face as a country and, more seriously, a society of our families. The tragedy of ignorance may lurk just a few months away without studying these and other irrefutable facts and the absence of pragmatic solutions.
Consider: What will their followers do when either Trump or Harris loses? The high-octane vitriol churning between the two sides suggests a “peaceful transfer of power” is doubtful, making civil unrest a real possibility.
Maybe cooler heads will prevail, and all will go peacefully; that would be excellent news. However, reasoned voices from all sources and platforms aren’t confident of that possibility.
Again, are these valid warnings from a new DEW Line or more Fear Porn?
The only important answer is yours. It’s your life, your loved ones, their future. What are you hearing? Are you listening?
Thanks for reading this far. Big News coming soon. But not now!
You know, you had me at porn…
The #1 draft pick for the SF 49ers was shot on Union Square in the center of San Francisco, in broad daylight, during a robbery attempt. "Welcome to San Francisco, rookie!" Oh, but the gun control laws are working great.
In my opinion, the world I knew before 9/11 and even the world before March 16th, 2020, is gone for good. It isn't coming back. All that's left is the screaming.