Surveys taken since the attempted assassination of Donald Trump indicate Americans are sensing the country is spiraling out of control.
“Eighty-six percent of respondents said they’re concerned about acts of violence throwing America into chaos, 67 percent said they’re worried about violent acts being carried out against people over political beliefs, and 58 percent said they’re concerned about acts of violence being committed against people due to their religious beliefs.
The poll was carried out by Ipsos on July 16, three days after a man in Pennsylvania fired at former President Trump as he spoke at an outdoor rally.
In a series of related questions, more than three-quarters of respondents agreed that the country is spiraling out of control and that the former president is lucky to have survived.” – (Zachery Stieber, Epoch Times)
Some have taken it further.
"After Trump Shooting?
The country has been in a downward spiral since the "Patriot Act, the worst piece of legislation in American history.”
Others expressed feelings of déjà vu: “The media and the public, like COVID, are handling this. Meaning there is only one narrative - it is what the authorities and the paid trolls on social media claim it is. Anyone who puts up info that counters the ‘official’ narrative is trashed or canceled.”
That's why it seems familiar: the same playbook and tactics and a goofy, confused public that can't sort through the details and doesn't trust their own eyes and logic.
Opinions swing to a variety of extremes. “Man On The Street” interviews show citizens stating some of the most incredible claims (“Trump staged it”), believing the most outrageous “conspiracies” (“It was the Mossad”), since 9-11.
Reviewing the drama of the last few days, months, and years, it is not unreasonable for reasonable people to have a sense of foreboding about the days leading up to Election Day. If we’ve learned anything, it is the desperation of the Left to continue the stranglehold on their positions of Power and Control and the successful exercise of Lawfare against their political enemies. From the attempted assassination of Trump to the J6 prisoners still in solitary to Douglass Mackey’s 10-year sentence for posting a meme featuring Hillary Clinton, the Left has had a successful run at destroying America, its institutions, commercial backbone, the rule of law, and civil society.
From the 2020 “Summer of Love” riots, fires, and murders to Saturday’s extraordinary events in Butler, PA., political and social turmoil has only grown in size, frequency, and violence. Those born after November 1963 are experiencing national tension from political unrest for the first time. The cover-up and the stonewalling of facts any rational person can see point to government involvement at the highest level.
Only the most naïve will believe the coming cacophony from multiple Government investigations will yield the truth about the Secret Service's live-on-TV broadcast failures of its preparation, protocols, and atrocious chain of command.
With the MSM wall-to-wall coverage of the attempted assassination, other news getting sparse coverage: the (still) open border, local crime, inflation, and the rest of the world’s Bad Actors maneuvering into places strategically important to them and threatening to the USA.
Captain Obvious says, “This cannot be good!”
The non-stop inflow of illegal aliens, now in the tens of millions, has gone beyond the shocking label of “an invasion.” Regardless of consistent attempts to debunk these stories, it’s tough to miss the growing spread of crime by gangs of “undocumented aliens”. Saying “violent crime stats actually fell” is to wander into the Fantasy Land of Word Games, Semantics, and Juggling with Numbers.
Simply stated: Since all that was “COVID”, life in the United States has gotten tough and will get tougher as the election approaches. After attempting assassination on live TV, what could come next?
Remember our starting point: the Left’s desperate need to maintain control, not just their insatiable lust for Power. They will go to any extreme to prevent their crimes, extortion, drug and human trafficking from being exposed to face the accountability of the law and the people who are their victims. The obscene concoction called “the Deep State, a “clandestine network - members of the federal government, especially within the FBI and CIA - working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government” is capable of anything because it fears nothing.
What could be coming?
As Guest Scribbler, T.L. Davis recently wrote: “One can feel the bubbling cauldron of the insurrectionist left boiling around the 2024 election, just waiting for an opportunity to erupt into violence. Violence for which there will be no arrests or, more importantly, no convictions for those whose passions have been inflamed.”
Still lacking my functioning crystal ball, it’s impossible to predict “what’s next”—but it's not impossible to realistically believe something is waiting in the wings.
Since the list of reasonable “what ifs” is impossibly long, the smart move would be to play Boy Scout and “Be Prepared.” Without slipping into Full Prepper mode, that rare commodity, common sense, leads one to understand that a strong thunderstorm can cause sufficient destruction to make life severely inconvenient for days, if not weeks. An entirely possible EMP is hurricane or tornado damage on steroids.
What to do?
I suspect all my intelligent readers (I have no other!) have taken this into consideration. The Internet has scads of sites with comprehensive preparation guidance. This is one of the oldest and best. You can easily get lost in their archives researching everything from guns to canning peaches to raising chickens to selecting solar power.
Over the years, living mostly in the path of an annual hurricane or two, anticipation of the unknown affecting our daily routine led us logically into “prepping” before prepping was cool! It doesn’t take the promise of Armageddon to move one to stock up on vital stuff. If Biblical prophecies aren’t your thing, check out John Matherson’s “One Second After”. It’s an easy but disturbing read because it is so damned possible. It also called attention to certain “things” I hadn’t considered in case another Katrina or worse came our way.
We always have 25 gallons of water and an equal amount of gas for the 2 generators. Propane, too. Vehicles never go below half-full. Of course, there are the batteries, WD-40, duct tape, tools, TP, and most importantly, several hard-to-find bottles of Buffalo Trace! All the other items you’re likely ticking off in your head are stashed somewhere around here, too. No need to itemize. Or advertise. Read the book. Visit Survival Blog and fill in your blanks.
I don’t offer this as my contribution to Fear Porn. There’s plenty of that to go around. But a lotta folks are passing off current events as just “current events” and “this too shall pass.”
Lotsa folks poo-poo “Deep State” and “Prepper” mentions because that’s where Conspiracy Theories are born! That’s OK. Free Choice includes your own paranoia and what to believe or not. An objective look at recent events and past decades strongly indicates there could be more to seriously consider right now.
Thanks for reading this far – and a Special Welcome to the sudden increase of New Kids signing up to join our courageous band of rabble-rousers, troublemakers and intense discussionists. Great to have you aboard. Spread the word!
Brian’s take on things is always 100% spot on, but he’s got even himself topped on this one.
To paraphrase W.C. Fields, “Any man who loves broads and bourbon can’t be all bad.”
That observation aside, to place blame for the political violence we see in the streets of America today, (and the majority of it,) squarely at the feet of Dennis Hastert’s and Al Gore’s 107th US Congress in the year of our lord, 2001, is exactly correct .
The Patriot Act of 2001, was an October Surprise like no other, (the lack of elections that year not withstanding,) and little did the American people realize that this piece of legislation was far more about spying on everyone else, by expanding the surveillance powers of domestic policing agencies, than it ever was about chasing down bad guys living in caves somewhere near the epicenter of the world’s oldest heroine syndicate; the poppy fields of Afghanistan.
The money, the real money, that makes this unbearably false world run, these people who love to call one another the, “elite,” and whom I affectionately call, “the powers that should never be,” decided that fateful day, Friday, (of course,) October 26, 2001, to announce rigid new laws, and the expansion of existing law, to ratchet down so called, “evil doers,” and others who would have to remove their shoes, and belts, whenever they’re standing in line for their preflight shakedown, because the caves of Tora Bora don’t have an airport, or electricity, and isn’t anywhere close to Dulles International, but you are.
The fact that they need you to help protect the privacy of these alleged evil doers, and show them your sympathy, and for your support of their, “dilemma of humiliation,” by taking off your shoes, and belts too, and to subject yourselves to the same kind of humiliation as them, whether you actually see them at Dulles or not, whether they actually come to Dulles or not, that’s not the point. The point is that, “You’d better get back in line, and if you don’t like me touching your family in very inappropriate places, then there’s a private room in the back where we can aggressively discuss the matter.”
Ostensibly, as mentioned earlier, it was designed to hunt down the CIA’s own database of infamous Afghani freedom fighters, and to make the US Postal Service safe from poisons shipped directly from Fort Detrick, Maryland, to your front door. “OMG!”
“If crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fires, what do freedom fighters fight?” ~Geo. Carlin
The poison thing wasn’t originally intended to be a part of the legislation, but when it had been revealed by investigative reporters, (yes, we actually did have a few of those in America at one time in the not so distant past,) that the USA Patriot Act was something that was actually written by a Washington think tank way back in the 1980s, and was a kind of, “off the shelf,” piece of legislation just waiting for the director to call it to center stage to make its cameo appearance in, “The Great Disinformation Movie.” Only then, when cooler heads, (on procedural grounds,) very nearly stopped this evil Act from going to a full house vote, only then did Tom Daschle, Tom Brokaw, Patrick Leahy, and a dozen postal workers, and support staff, (could some of them have spilled the beans on the entire operation,) get some of those little white envelopes from a, “different kind,” of evil doer.
The envelopes were penned in what was alleged to be the hand of an adult, attempting to fool the FBI, by appearing to written in the hand of a child, were sent to their list of prospective victims along the east coast, from Florida to New York. Sadly, an intrepid photojournalist from the Sun newspaper offices in Boca Raton, and two postal workers from the post office located inside of the United States Capital building, (who might have blown the lid off a possible scam,) were the first ones to die from the intentionally poisoned letters.
So, exactly where is all of this heading besides the weeds of the early 2000’s?
When government not only condones propagandizing their people, and enables unconstitutional laws to give themselves more cover, more power, and ever more control over the public they have sworn to protect, we’re living in a police state.
The violence we see today, the lawfare, the millimeter wave length scanners, the privacy invading jackboots of the TSA, and the further fractioning of the ties that bind us together as a people, is directly related to the passing of laws like the USA Patriot Act, the annual recertification of the National Defense Authorization Act, and countless other, “great ideas,” like the Department of Homeland Security, and when we authorize the use of propaganda against the citizenry by the news media, it’s no longer just a police state, it’s one that came for a former president, with guns blazing, and they’re coming for everyone else who wants to live free, or who just wants to be left alone.
Citizen: “Knock, Knock.”
Stazi officer: whacks citizen hard, and yells, “Ve Vill ask ze questions.”
Any more questions… citizen?