Brian’s take on things is always 100% spot on, but he’s got even himself topped on this one.

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Thanks, Charlie

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To paraphrase W.C. Fields, “Any man who loves broads and bourbon can’t be all bad.”

That observation aside, to place blame for the political violence we see in the streets of America today, (and the majority of it,) squarely at the feet of Dennis Hastert’s and Al Gore’s 107th US Congress in the year of our lord, 2001, is exactly correct .

The Patriot Act of 2001, was an October Surprise like no other, (the lack of elections that year not withstanding,) and little did the American people realize that this piece of legislation was far more about spying on everyone else, by expanding the surveillance powers of domestic policing agencies, than it ever was about chasing down bad guys living in caves somewhere near the epicenter of the world’s oldest heroine syndicate; the poppy fields of Afghanistan.

The money, the real money, that makes this unbearably false world run, these people who love to call one another the, “elite,” and whom I affectionately call, “the powers that should never be,” decided that fateful day, Friday, (of course,) October 26, 2001, to announce rigid new laws, and the expansion of existing law, to ratchet down so called, “evil doers,” and others who would have to remove their shoes, and belts, whenever they’re standing in line for their preflight shakedown, because the caves of Tora Bora don’t have an airport, or electricity, and isn’t anywhere close to Dulles International, but you are.

The fact that they need you to help protect the privacy of these alleged evil doers, and show them your sympathy, and for your support of their, “dilemma of humiliation,” by taking off your shoes, and belts too, and to subject yourselves to the same kind of humiliation as them, whether you actually see them at Dulles or not, whether they actually come to Dulles or not, that’s not the point. The point is that, “You’d better get back in line, and if you don’t like me touching your family in very inappropriate places, then there’s a private room in the back where we can aggressively discuss the matter.”

Ostensibly, as mentioned earlier, it was designed to hunt down the CIA’s own database of infamous Afghani freedom fighters, and to make the US Postal Service safe from poisons shipped directly from Fort Detrick, Maryland, to your front door. “OMG!”

“If crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fires, what do freedom fighters fight?” ~Geo. Carlin

The poison thing wasn’t originally intended to be a part of the legislation, but when it had been revealed by investigative reporters, (yes, we actually did have a few of those in America at one time in the not so distant past,) that the USA Patriot Act was something that was actually written by a Washington think tank way back in the 1980s, and was a kind of, “off the shelf,” piece of legislation just waiting for the director to call it to center stage to make its cameo appearance in, “The Great Disinformation Movie.” Only then, when cooler heads, (on procedural grounds,) very nearly stopped this evil Act from going to a full house vote, only then did Tom Daschle, Tom Brokaw, Patrick Leahy, and a dozen postal workers, and support staff, (could some of them have spilled the beans on the entire operation,) get some of those little white envelopes from a, “different kind,” of evil doer.

The envelopes were penned in what was alleged to be the hand of an adult, attempting to fool the FBI, by appearing to written in the hand of a child, were sent to their list of prospective victims along the east coast, from Florida to New York. Sadly, an intrepid photojournalist from the Sun newspaper offices in Boca Raton, and two postal workers from the post office located inside of the United States Capital building, (who might have blown the lid off a possible scam,) were the first ones to die from the intentionally poisoned letters.

So, exactly where is all of this heading besides the weeds of the early 2000’s?

When government not only condones propagandizing their people, and enables unconstitutional laws to give themselves more cover, more power, and ever more control over the public they have sworn to protect, we’re living in a police state.

The violence we see today, the lawfare, the millimeter wave length scanners, the privacy invading jackboots of the TSA, and the further fractioning of the ties that bind us together as a people, is directly related to the passing of laws like the USA Patriot Act, the annual recertification of the National Defense Authorization Act, and countless other, “great ideas,” like the Department of Homeland Security, and when we authorize the use of propaganda against the citizenry by the news media, it’s no longer just a police state, it’s one that came for a former president, with guns blazing, and they’re coming for everyone else who wants to live free, or who just wants to be left alone.

Citizen: “Knock, Knock.”

Stazi officer: whacks citizen hard, and yells, “Ve Vill ask ze questions.”

Any more questions… citizen?

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Anything and everything to keep that grip on power, It's still Ukraine and Russia that scares me the most, the Black Sea in particular could be a flash point.

The domestic situation will get crazy, possibly worse than the summer of love, but that worries me personally a lot less than WWIII, although I have a standing invite to bring my family to an incredibly well stocked bunker if need be, from a wealthy high school best friend/land developer who's dad was the town banker during the depression.

If I lived in the city or even within an hour of an interstate I'd be more worried about the domestic situation, it's not that likely we see nuclear fallout but there is at least a 50/50 chance that the cities will burn at some point in the not too distant future.

Glad I'm a prepper by habit.

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I live exactly two minutes from I-70 in Kansas, and almost at the mid point between Kansas City, and Denver. Even though we are very well supplied, three years for my wife and I, and a full year for her children, I don’t like being so close to one of the busiest routes in America.

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Just have to have a flexible plan, same thing everywhere really though, there is no way to really know if you will need to bug out or not. You could be perfectly fine and for some reason all the nuts decide to end up here by me or who knows biological, chemical, etc, could always create a situation where I just have to leave the entire area.

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Right on Brian!

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Neil Oliver in the video above, shows how evil walks among us. Evil that is like Sauron in bodily form. Does a person or institution support life or death? The lines are clearly shown in our world today.

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Great article. The world I knew ended March 16th, 2020. My mind and soul haven't been at ease since.

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