At some obscurant point in time, the Blame Game went Pro.
Of course, kindergarteners and politicians (what’s the difference?) have been blaming anyone but themselves since Cave Art was in vogue. Broken toy? Blame little sister. Broken campaign promises? Blame Trump, Putin, Extreme MAGA Republicans, The Squad; distinctions without a difference.
While it would be instructive for social historians to determine an exact date, more importantly, the practice has become ubiquitous, “everything everywhere all at once”. The rationale; ‘everything’ is the responsibility of anyone else. In a clever modification, it’s now fashionable to even blame inanimate objects and forces of nature for human failures and offenses.
SUVs – The Suburban Utility Vehicle was a safe, go-anywhere marvel, that started out as a life saver. Most with 4WD, they were the “St. Bernard” of the ‘burbs and back country when floods, snow and extreme weather events made roads impassable. Beginning in the late ‘80’s when ‘Climate Change’ was really gaining hysterical traction, SUV became a media pejorative. Reporting auto accidents, the MSM was careful to note “A late model Humvee plowed into a mini-van killing a family of 8.” To this day, when ‘family’ vehicles crash, their make and model go unreported. The message: SUVs are deadly to anyone who doesn’t own one. They’re also “gas-guzzlers destroying the planet”. The Owner’s concern for his safety wasn’t as important as the purportedly lethal potential of his choice of vehicle. Choosing to own one was considered irresponsible.
“Gun violence” – As noted in several previous writings, there is no such thing. It is a political- media created term to shift blame. For the benefit of new readers: guns are not ‘violent’; guns are a tool, no different from a hammer. When used as directed, both can be beneficial in a variety of applications, When used improperly, each can cause injury and death. This requires a human with a bad motive. Blaming ‘gun violence’ removes individual responsibility for self-control and respect for another living thing. That self-defense is not part of this equation is indistinguishable to Wanna-Be dictators, the MSM and anti-2A pearl-clutchers.
Drug Abuse - Once again, a political-media invention to abdicate individual responsibility by focusing on an inanimate object with deadly potential. Many of the perpetually cited ‘Illegal Drugs’ have effective remedial properties. Cocaine, marijuana, heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl are legal or prescriptive drugs used in managing pain. By themselves, they are harmless powders, tablets, oils or dried leaves. When used properly, they provide welcome relief. When abused, they can maim or kill. Like guns and hammers.
But simple logic and grammar doesn’t serve the purpose of those who would free themselves from Individual Responsibility, resulting in the loss of Rights and Freedom and the growth Government power and certain corporate profits.
In the ‘90’s and early ‘00’s, the notorious author and columnist, Ann Coulter and I had numerous on-air conversations about political incursions destroying or taking hostage, the rights and choices of Americans. Like Tucker Carlson later, Annie’s one blind spot continues to be drugs. That lives were lost or destroyed from the bad choices of individuals or the violent War on Drugs was irrelevant: all ‘illicit’ drugs were bad and should be destroyed. The virtual impossibility of that task left ‘Drug Abuse’ and the War on Drugs in the self-serving hands of politicians and bureaucrats, empowered by the media- manipulated ignorance called ‘public opinion’. Unfortunately, this resulted in the same intrusive freedom-crushing government over-reach Annie and I railed against at every opportunity. Taking drugs or not taking drugs remains a matter of free choice. Period. “Peer pressure”, illegal border importation via illegal migration, insufficient funding for the War on Drugs remain flaccid excuses replacing the individual responsibility of Freedom with the freedom from individual responsibility.
In a NY Post story: ‘Pawn Stars’ lead Rick Harrison tears into border crisis as son Adamb’s tragic cause of death revealed” . Mr. Harrison’s son, Adam’s ‘tragic cause of death’ was a fentanyl overdose. Harrison said, “The fentanyl crisis in this country must be taken more seriously,” he added. “It seems it is just flowing over the borders and nothing is being done about it. We must do better.”
So it wasn’t son Adam’s bad choice to “do” fentanyl in the extreme. It wasn’t Dad Harrison’s failure as father to raise his son with accurate information about drugs and respect for his individual responsibility in making life’s choices. Nope. It was the failure of “we” to take the dreaded ‘fentanyl crisis’ more seriously…and nothing being done about it.” Ironically, the same may be said for Harrison’s parental responsibility.
Distorted semantics applied to SUV’s, ‘gun violence’, and ‘drug abuse’ are more deadly than the terms themselves. While the abuse of any of them can take a life, the failure to consistently accept Individual Responsibility will kill Freedom. The responsibility of Freedom is not Freedom from responsibility. When Individual Responsibility is ignored, the Government will step in to make decisions for you. Ultimately, that will be the end of Freedom and the beginning of Slavery. As government overreach continues without resistance and public apathy grows exponentially, indications are were just about there already.
Thanks for reading this far and a hearty welcome to all the New Kids on the block!
Update: Congratuations to CJ Hopkins and victory for Free Speech mentioned last week. Details here.
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Brianwilsonwrites subscriptions and access remain free. “I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from these efforts and the community of which you are a vital part. It can’t be done alone; your help and support are needed to keep it alive. Many thanks to those who’ve done so.”
h/t Robert Gore
“My baby dindu nuffin,” is the classic refrain of the, “prisons need reform,” and the “schools need funding,” crowd, and is the social equivalent of the, “not doing enough,” crowd.
Of course the ultimate refrain of moral irresponsibility, the, “Do Something,” refrain is the all time champion of, “borrow and spend,” legislation, and is always pulled out early on in any lobbyist’s tirade justifying permanent increases in government spending.
Evidently, many in the public are not open to envying Congress giving itself a raise, certainly not without consulting them first about a raise of their own.
Face it, the fret of the founders, that it would all be over not too long after Congress finally realized that they could raise their own pay, has finally come true on the little hill that overlooks the Anacostia, and on Main Street, Anywhere, USA.
“Next verse same as the first…”
When I fell and smashed my hip into a jigsaw puzzle, I was given Fentanyl in the ER, twice. It works but doesn't last long and the doctor didn't give me enough of the painkiller. My time in the X-Ray room was the most painful of my life. The X-Ray tech was a big Ukrainian with an Eastern Orthodox crucifix around his neck. I would have given him anything to stop the pain. He just gave me more pain as he moved me around for the X-rays. Fentanyl is good stuff.
PS: As my Dad lay in hospice, the staff put a Fentanyl patch on his arm to ease his pain as he passed to the other side.