“My baby dindu nuffin,” is the classic refrain of the, “prisons need reform,” and the “schools need funding,” crowd, and is the social equivalent of the, “not doing enough,” crowd.

Of course the ultimate refrain of moral irresponsibility, the, “Do Something,” refrain is the all time champion of, “borrow and spend,” legislation, and is always pulled out early on in any lobbyist’s tirade justifying permanent increases in government spending.

Evidently, many in the public are not open to envying Congress giving itself a raise, certainly not without consulting them first about a raise of their own.

Face it, the fret of the founders, that it would all be over not too long after Congress finally realized that they could raise their own pay, has finally come true on the little hill that overlooks the Anacostia, and on Main Street, Anywhere, USA.

“Next verse same as the first…”

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When I fell and smashed my hip into a jigsaw puzzle, I was given Fentanyl in the ER, twice. It works but doesn't last long and the doctor didn't give me enough of the painkiller. My time in the X-Ray room was the most painful of my life. The X-Ray tech was a big Ukrainian with an Eastern Orthodox crucifix around his neck. I would have given him anything to stop the pain. He just gave me more pain as he moved me around for the X-rays. Fentanyl is good stuff.

PS: As my Dad lay in hospice, the staff put a Fentanyl patch on his arm to ease his pain as he passed to the other side.

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Theodore Lee's excellent comment below was originally posted on FB. He consented to re-post it here for BWW readers who may have missed it.

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