Great to hear a new episode! Brian, it's good to know you've recovered well enough to get back to doing what you enjoy :-)

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Hi Brian. Your previous post by T.L. Davis deserves a comment. T.L. Davis needs to read a few more history books IMO.

The reason the Polk government didn't annex all of Mexico after the 1848 War with Mexico is because Polk and the other WASPs in the East didn't want to dilute American blood with that of the "inferior" Mexican-Indians.

Truman didn't want to annex Japan or Germany because Harry S Truman knew all too well the hatred of the Border Wars, those Bloody Border Wars between Missouri and Kansas. Truman grew up in Independence, MO. The houses there still have bullet holes from that Border War. Truman wanted to stop the hatred after a war against Japan and Germany.

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President Reagan signed the law that made the drinking age 21 in every state. If states didn't comply, they didn't get Federal Highway Funds.

South Dakota, Kansas, and I think a few other states had 3.2% beer for 18 year-olds.

I remember drinking 3.2 beer in South Dakota. It was a way to ease the young into the dangers of alcohol. I still drink low alcohol beer. "Red" 3.2 beer with tomato juice was a favorite in South Dakota.

The 21 age law was drafted by that asshole Democratic Senator from New Jersey. Name starts with an "L". He also sponsored Amtrak.

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