How a confluence of these men occurred astounds me. There are times in the history of the world this happens, the Renaissance, the turn of the 20th century in physics, fighting the Nazis, Silicone Valley in its early days. I am in awe, while at the same time saddened by the dearth of such men today…

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Ahh, liberty and independence are fine ideas. Volunteerism is another fine idea. No force to be used in the intercourse of human affairs.

We are all born naked and screaming from between a naked woman's legs. Do you remember volunteering for that? I tried thousands of times to get back into that magic chamber I'd been ejected from. The results were mixed.

Did I sign the Declaration of Independence? Did you? Did any of us ratify the US Constitution?

Did you agree to the Income Tax? Did you agree to the Selective Service Act? (slavery).

Did you agree to have your in-laws in your life when you got married?

I sure as hell didn't.

Men in fancy clothes (George Washington always wore his uniform) writing a document in a secret, heavily draped, second floor room in Philadelphia with no transparency, is NOT a good way to start a government.

All governments are evil. And God has some 'splain' to do.

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The Confederacy tried to secede and throw off the yoke of the federal government. It didn't end well. The thieves and murderers will not "Let my people go." easily. It will take a fight, a bloody fight, just like 1861-65. Words on paper mean nothing to the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.

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