> don’t appear to be a threat to public safety

I wish they had the same reasonableness and restraint nearly five years ago when the #COVIDHoax began.

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well yeah but there was money involved and a democide to conduct.

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No kidding.

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the correct response was/is to bring down a drone, find out and simultaneously be prepared to bring down all of the drones

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible

will make violent revolution inevitable."

President John F. Kennedy

Remarks on the first anniversary of the Alliance for Progress, March 13, 1962

"We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. Woe be unto us if they see the futility of it, lay down the pen and take up the sword. We will never be deposed by words, only force."

Harold Wallace Rosenthal

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Maybe it's a test (and we failed in my opinion) of how easy it would be to invade our country.

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At this point, most anything possible - maybe several at once. Just how "tolerant" are we as a people? Considering the multitude and magnitude of illegal, immoral, actions perpetrated in plain sight with no demonstrative reaction beyond posting memes and trite clichés on social media by "the people" must be instructive to those pulling the strings. By now, they must have concluded all this "molan labe" crap is just that.

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I'm not sure what's going on with the drones but I'll bet the government finds a way to soak the taxpayers one way or another.

I follow a youtube channel called Monkey Werx, he tracks all the flights in America, military, civilian you name it. He also tracks all the military flights going overseas, when something is about to pop off, he can usually tell by flight patterns. He did a great break down on the no-fly zones for drones and the different altitudes that are allowed, etc.

He went into the tech that will shut down drones that fly too close to these protected zones as well as explained who is allowed to fly in restricted zones.

It's all very expensive and soon it will be even more expensive due to the proliferation of the type of drones used in Ukraine, Israel and now Syria. Giving head choppers drones that can evade a lot of electronic jamming is really stupid, but now this tech will be everywhere soon.

I'd guess that they do know what these are and that they are government contracted, although not everyone in the government has the clearance to know and local governments have no way of collecting the information to find out.

The government has been doing a ton of LIDAR surveying, they have also been monitored drug and human trafficking using drones. There is way more American spy gear up in the air than people would ever guess, that's what a trillion bucks in homeland security gets you. They use this stuff in the air for anti-terrorist stuff, they fly radiation sniffers and chemical and biological agent sniffers, all kinds of things are done in the name of keeping us safe from all the people we piss off, much of it we are never told about. I guess they even fly train routes to keep an eye on them when threat levels are high.

If these were foreign government or cartels etc. why would they have lights on? If they weren't under contract and doing it with legal authority why keep the lights on? And why wouldn't they be shot down or downed via electronic jamming if they were breaking laws?

Probably most of these are BS the rest are from our government, that's my best guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong. It could be something I'm missing completely. Why the hype? They could be trying to get us primed to spend a bundle on anti-drone tech along with accepting new drone rules, which will be needed thanks to head choppers with drones.

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As for the drones, get yourself a cannon and load it with a gunpowder charge. Use a large packet of Silly String as the shell. The Silly String will expand on its way to the target and cover the drone in sticky Silly String. The drone's days of flying are over. Mount the drone on your Man Cave wall.

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Hahahaha! Great article! Yes, perhaps our Overlords should fear us. In the Pre-Civil War (Lincoln's invasion of the South), the slave owners went to bed, afraid every night that the slaves would revolt and rape and murder them in their beds. The African slaves outnumbered the Anglos by 4:1 or more.

So, yeah, let the Overlords sleep uneasily. Imagine if a few of their bodyguards went rogue and killed then robbed the Overlords they were hired to protect. The Fear-O-Meter on the Overlord's office wall would go into the deep red "Extreme Danger" part of the dial.

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