Working on your wife’s laptop from a special post-op motorized reclining ‘launching’ chair is a bigger pain than I get from the incision when the Happy Pills wear off!
Still…my mission statement doesn’t make allowance for “Sick Leave”, “Happy Pill Side Effects”, “The Common Lethargy of Spring” and other boiler plate goodies found in more astutely composed documents I failed to see.
So rather than try to deal with the lap top’s Fat Finger issues or the occasional interruption to visit Never-Never Land courtesy of Big Pharma, in addition to the Creative Dept’s “Best Of…” Two & Only pod cast and Brad Smith’s Guest Column, here are some stories I would have explored further under normal circumstances. I suspect you’ll find them tantalizing and compelling, so check ‘em out. We’ll be back to Full Strength in a few more days.
Here are the goodies…
Elizabeth Nickson – Welcome to Absurdistan - one of the best researched, best written columns anywhere. Her latest focuses on election theft and what’s being done about it. You might be surprised!
The Virality Project – Who and How your tax dollars are being weaponized against you, out of sight and unreported.
What if the President ignores the Supreme Court? This article reveals Biden & Co’s strategy which coincides with my recent “Newest Conspiracy Theory” : undermine respect for SCOTUS and the Rule of Law and it’s Open Season on ‘social unrest’. That provides a rationale for the ultimate in Government intervention on a scale that would make the COVID lockdowns look like Kindergarten recess.
“What if Biden’s elite gang of neo-con controllers won’t let Biden lose?” Mises Institute’s Lew Rockwell’s “How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election”. They’ve done it before so?
“Sowing the Wind of Newspeak” - Even if you haven’t read “1984”, the methodology is clear: “Against the backdrop of the most virulent antisemitism sweeping the U.S. in the wake of Hamas’ savagery, the media has chosen to pillory “white nationalism” as the clear and present danger.”
I’ve been following the plight of CJ Hopkins. At first, it looked as if he rightfully escaped the clutches of the German “FBI”. As it’s turned out, not so much. While the setting is Germany and the German courts, it’s a shadow of what’s developing here in America.
Yet another example of how the Government-Media Complex is working diligently to keep us from knowing the bad things going on. Why? If it wasn’t for the growing body of ‘citizen journalists’, we might never know until it’s way too late.
The New York State of Crime. While FOX’s “The Five” and assorted other outlets have ranted about NYC crimes and crime rate, this story may have lit the lamp bright enough for the blind and deluded liberal bubble dwellers to see the extent and depravity of what ‘soft on criminals’ descends to. Knowledge Is Power – and we’re all gonna need powerful stomachs and psyches to deal with this eventuality where Cashless Bail and early release is provided for the monsters that walk among us..
That’s the best I got at the moment. And the moment has rolled around to Happy Pill time. Can’t be late for that!
Thanks for reading this far. I hope the above peaks your interest – and keeps you busy – at least until I get back to the Big Boy Computer without these curb feelers on my waist and whoopee cushion on my butt!
Share with your friends. Grab that free subscription. I may have to start charging for all this when the Doc and Hospital bills come in!
I enjoyed watching today's RPLR (Ron Paul Liberty Report). The segment about the squatters in the NYC house was fascinating, but I'm not surprised that the homeowner was arrested for changing the locks on her property. NYC doesn't respect property rights.
Here in Sonoma County, CA there is a history of squatters. When the USA declared war on Mexico in 1848, the Mexican landowners, ranchers, and businessmen fled to Mexico. It's a similar situation to the Palestinians fleeing their homes in Israel during the 1967 War.
After the War with Mexico, many Federal troops and other European settlers squatted on Mexican land around Healdsburg and in the valleys of the old Mexican estates.
Our friend Gala Norton's great-grandfather Louis Norton was sheriff of Sonoma County after the War with Mexico. His job was to remove squatters from Mexican-owned land.
Louis Norton was a huge bear of a man with a disciplined attitude—kind of a John Wayne type. Louis would approach the squatters and tell them to git! Sometimes, there were altercations, but most of the squatters were forced to buy the land from the Mexican owners, who were all too happy to sell. The owners went to live in Mexico or Spain.
Louis Norton was also famous for facing down a grizzly bear that had climbed the huge redwood tree in the front yard of their house in Healdsburg (the tree is still there.) Norton came out of the house, stared at the big bear, and told it to git! The bear climbed down out of the tree and headed for the hills.
When Louis Norton died, the coroner found 12 bullets in his body from old gunfights. He probably died of lead poisoning. Louis Norton is buried in Oak Mound Cemetery here in town.
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