For all the New Kids who have recently subscribed to BWW, one of the many free services I provide is passing along Pearls of Wisdom found in other realms of the vast World Wide Web during my non-stop research to provide these free-so-far posts. IOW, I do the reading you don’t have time to do (but should!) to stay accurately informed in our accelerated Future Shock world.
Reams of pieces have been written about the notorious and recently pardoned Dr. Anthony Fauci. Connor O’Keefe has scribbled this most succinct, on-point summation of Everything Fauci; some of which you may not know. Even if you do, despite Biden’s legally questionable pardon, better angels and brilliant minds are hopefully constructing the legal apparatus required to bring this most malevolent and intensely evil parasite to justice.
Why Joe Biden Had to Pardon Anthony Fauci
There are plenty of unseemly details about Fauci’s career that the political establishment would not like to see resurface in either the court of law or the court of public opinion. Many were detailed in RFK Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci, such as the secretive and deadly drug experiments on hundreds of HIV-positive foster children at New York City’s Incarnation Children’s Center between 1988 and 2002 and the experiment that locked the heads of Beagle puppies into cages full of flesh-eating insects.
Having to wrestle with Fauci-esque stories, makes visits away from it all a vacation for the mind and nervous system; “a breath of fresh air”. Being raised on a farm as well as having owned one for a time, I’m a sucker for articles written by those who ‘get back to the land’ (as opposed to ‘off the grid’). If you appreciate the relief and perfume of not mucking about the political nether world, this is a great piece from someone who did it and does it with great insight, humor, and pathos. If I were in her boots, I’d give it a Go again.
“Here are some things I have taught the kids who visit my farm: animals don’t care about your feelings, and sometimes we kill them to eat them. It doesn’t matter how desperately you want to find more eggs, the hens don’t lay on demand. Tomatoes aren’t ripe in June. The stalls aren’t going to clean themselves. Cuts, scrapes, and stings aren’t really a big deal. And there will always be poop.”
Veteran BWW Readers (thankyouverymuch) know I admire Elizabeth Nickson’s “Welcome to Absurdistan”. When Research, Pointy Perspective and LOL Funny combine, it’s nothing short of compelling.
White people are only 10% of the world’s “races”, but they, especially in middle America, have all the good stuff. PLUS, they are aging, they are basically shopped out, they have their houses and neighbourhoods and schools. Their marketing curve/their growth curve is trending down. But we need growth (because we bankrupted the government), and there are all these oppressed brown and black people who have nothing, to whom we can sell stuff. So we will start the process of their “civilization” and invite them into the rich white countries, replace the white people who we have already harvested, and sell stuff to the new.
(It’s why all the advertisements on television show people of color, few whites to be seen.)
Thanks for reading this far.
Wherever you may be, have a great Snow-and-Fire Free Weekend!
I have to defrost the lawn.
"They are so convinced of their superiority, they never bother to look." Great line about our "elites".
I don’t think one needs own a farm to understand, with clarity, the voluminous quantities of poop the average animal deposits in a multitude of rather surprising locations.
On rare occasion, “Fido,” (names have been changed to protect the innocent,) the family’s beloved, “beagledor,” has managed to surprise even me by depositing said poop in the right shoe of my favorite pair of handcrafted, fleece lined, sheepskin slippers.
I genuinely believe that it was not deposited out of malice, because, “Fido,” has been a true compatriot when it comes to, (in self defense despite what the Mrs. would say,) innocent mischief around the house. He’s a good boy, and a real wise guy too. No, it wasn’t malice, it was more akin to, “Hey Papa, how’s that for some quality aiming?”
Did I say wise guy, or was that wisenheimer?
Thanks for your post, it was inspiring.