Good article. Yes, resist. I think the real benefit of being an individual human being is imagination. Without imagination, all life for mankind becomes stagnant or worse, goes backward. This is why communism and socialism always fail. They have no imagination and can't progress.
The One-Eyed God has the same problem. No imagination.
Collectivism is slavery to anyone who wishes to remain an individual, sadly there is a strong desire in the human species to be part of the group. I'm sure banding together provided safety in a world full of danger, so there was good reason for it. But anything can be turned into a danger itself, including the desire to be part of the group. Group-think is one danger, worshiping the leader of the group, who promises safety, combined with group-think might be the biggest danger of all. Why worry about your own safety? They have it covered so you can go live however you want, free like the birds not a care in the world and not a responsibility in sight.
Why waste time thinking about anything, they have that covered, just go forth and live life to the fullest, be a child for life if you choose, we are the adults so you don't have to be.
I wonder how many groups of humans have been wiped out because they unthinkingly followed the wrong leader down the primrose path of hedonism the way they seem to be today? Anything goes, trans the kids, promote sloth, promote envy, promote living in debt and gambling and every other bad habit possible, just so long as you support the right leader of course.
The wrong ones (probably fascists) will tell you to be responsible for your actions and think for yourselves, what fun is that?
Your description of the Individual and the contrast with the behavior of the One-Eyed God disciples reminds me of the old Charles McKay observation, "[People] go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."
Most of the dross on the one-eyed god is actually produce by the media and politicians from the one-eyed god lower down the body…
Good article. Yes, resist. I think the real benefit of being an individual human being is imagination. Without imagination, all life for mankind becomes stagnant or worse, goes backward. This is why communism and socialism always fail. They have no imagination and can't progress.
The One-Eyed God has the same problem. No imagination.
Collectivism is slavery to anyone who wishes to remain an individual, sadly there is a strong desire in the human species to be part of the group. I'm sure banding together provided safety in a world full of danger, so there was good reason for it. But anything can be turned into a danger itself, including the desire to be part of the group. Group-think is one danger, worshiping the leader of the group, who promises safety, combined with group-think might be the biggest danger of all. Why worry about your own safety? They have it covered so you can go live however you want, free like the birds not a care in the world and not a responsibility in sight.
Why waste time thinking about anything, they have that covered, just go forth and live life to the fullest, be a child for life if you choose, we are the adults so you don't have to be.
I wonder how many groups of humans have been wiped out because they unthinkingly followed the wrong leader down the primrose path of hedonism the way they seem to be today? Anything goes, trans the kids, promote sloth, promote envy, promote living in debt and gambling and every other bad habit possible, just so long as you support the right leader of course.
The wrong ones (probably fascists) will tell you to be responsible for your actions and think for yourselves, what fun is that?
Your description of the Individual and the contrast with the behavior of the One-Eyed God disciples reminds me of the old Charles McKay observation, "[People] go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."