Facts are malleable and conform to current conditions. As new information comes in, facts change. But truth is immutable. Search for the truth and you’ll never go wrong…

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Frank, What you say is true, but so is the old Cossack saying, "He who tells the truth best have a foot in the stirrup."

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I understand why your former colleagues are upset with you. No one likes to have their grift called out. Least of all by a colleague, former or otherwise.

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The genesis of "Mean Truths"!

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> The pattern is the same: Residents complain, complete with real time, real life evidence while politicians’ denials get quoted in the press. End of story. It’s the Media and Government in lock-step, self-serving collusion.

It's why the further decline of mainstream, crony media is such good news!

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Since it's declining, maybe it will pick up speed...

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12 hrs agoLiked by Brian Wilson

Lots of important thoughts, the truth is that "we the people" are at fault because we don't want to hear no bad news. The Government Behemoth was allowed to growvirtually unchallenged. The failing born with each of us. At 78 I have lived in the greatest era of mankind. It is inevitable that we would let our apathy destroy it.

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Good article and all too true. It's kinda sad to see a system that folks believed in back in the 1960s come to this disaster we have today. I don't trust anyone who gets a government paycheck and that includes the press (who get paid by the CIA "Operation Mockingbird.")

It is as if you hired a bodyguard and he's fucking your wife (poor Sam Kinison. May he RIP.)

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22 hrs agoLiked by Brian Wilson

Loved this one!

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23 hrs agoLiked by Brian Wilson

Good post. I figured out that everything is a lie, a fraud, a manipulation and a population control measure. It started with books and ended with getting rid of the electric jew twenty years ago.

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Excellent read!

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