Mar 4·edited Mar 4

It’s not surprising that the, “extreme,” democrats, (as if there’s another kind,) can’t seem to math very well, in that their posted comment speaks of 4 justices, (3 liberal + 1 conservative,) out of the 9 who popped their collective bubble. If I’m not mistaken, a unanimous decision involves unanimity, and not division, irrespective of how wishful the thinking. Of course we are speaking of “extreme,” democrats, and with them everything, except reality itself, is a possibility.

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It's obvious to me that all this hubbub about elections and voting is meant to disparage elections and voting. People will become like me and not vote or believe in elections. Then what?

A dictatorship. All Republics end in dictatorships. How many freedoms have we lost in just the past four years? We are almost at the Grand Leader Level of the political game.

Who will be the Grand Leader? A general? A politician? A bureaucrat? A populist? A spy? A businessman? A community organizer?

Put your money down and spin the wheel.

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