Trump shot! Biden out! OMG! OMG! OMG!
Yes, those 8 days (7/13-7/21) continue to be a ratings bonanza for ‘news’ outlets, social media, Republicans, and conspiracy theorists.
Not so good for Democrats, MSBNC, CNN, or mental health.
The “attempted assassination of Donald Trump” swiftly created a cottage industry of hair-on-fire ‘news reports’ from anyone with a cell phone, along with the predictable avalanche of conspiracy theories. As with all such fantasies, there is a kernel of truth in each one. Have you ever seen a kernel? A grass seed will suffice.
What have we seen so far?
Trump Rushed Off Stage! (NBC)
Trump Fell Off Stage! (CNN)
Bloodied But Unbowed (NY Post)
Major news outlets were toasted for refusing to use “assassination” in their early coverage, which gave discerning readers a hint of what was to come.
One shooter. Lone wolf. Acted alone.
Two shooters!
Three shooters! One on a Watertower!
Wait! “Rock solid audio proof there were at least two shooters!”
Well…not really. “Grainy picture…too early to tell…haven’t completed all my research” ad nauseam.
But thanks for clicking!
“Additional Secret Service assistance not refused” (7 times).
“OK - Additional Secret Service assistance refused”.
You can see how this is going.
There are also reports of a recording of the gunshots, which will be submitted for acoustic location. When do you think they will be available? What do you think the “experts” will “find”.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Today, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee. This is the first of what purports to be four such “investigations”: the House, Senate, FBI/Secret Service (investigating themselves!), and President Biden starting his own. That is, assuming he remembered to order it or has the authority now that he’s Lamed Ducked himself.
Speaking of the White House Stalking Corpse, Biden capped off the ‘8 Days in July’ saga with the flatulent “bombshell” of resigning from the race - but not the Presidency. Staff members got a one-minute headzup.
And just like that, we have another whirlwind of rhetoric, hypothesis, conjecture, pontification, Las Vegas wagering, and other worthless time-wasting on what was formerly called “the news.”
Rumor has it ABC is changing its evening offering to “What The Hell? Tonight” with the Man in Black, David “Start Every Story With ‘Tonight’” Muir.
NBC’s Anchor With Racist Overtones is allegedly considering “Choose Your News with Lester Holt”. Each evening, Rachel Maddow, dressed in a tin foil bikini, will pick headlines from the National Enquirer out of an enema bag. Holt and Maddow will then ad lib each story into a Trump hit piece. And then, the weather.
Silly, ain’t it?
A friend once told me, “It’s like blowing up a balloon inside your head. Eventually, there’s no room for anything else – except the empty balloon.”
That’s where many are subsumed by the quicksand of Conspiracy Theories. While the once “Great American Experiment” decomposes into the “Great American Excrement,” omnivorous politicians without morals and a flaccid media without principles combine their lesser talents to drag the country’s once-vaunted institutions through the Augean Stables, now known as Washington, DC, the city that began as a swamp and became a sewer.
Regarding the “familiar sound” mentioned above, here are two ways to reclaim the valuable time you’ve been squandering on “Trump Shot!” and “Biden Drops Out.”
One, remember (research for the youngsters) the Kennedy Assassination. Other than 61 years ago, there are few differences between 11/22/63 and 7/13/24: the victim, the gun, and geography. In glittering generalities, everything else is the same. The shooters are dead. The Secret Service blew it. “Eyewitnesses” claim to have seen multiple shooters and ‘grassy knoll’ locations. Thanks to cell phone cameras, there are more pics today than in the Abraham Zapruder flick, but nothing to support the “multiple shooters” theory or the grainy shot of the Man On The Watertower. Just like Dallas, even “sound recordings of gunfire for acoustical testing” are in the mix. And, of course, the endless “denials, rumors, allegations, circumstantial conveniences, and endless, fruitless “investigations.” Rinse. Repeat. As yet, we have no Warren Report to anticipate. But if it comes, it will be just as big a collection of lies and self-shading BS as the first one.
Generally speaking, the Biden Drop Out fiasco has as much a future with truth as Satan hosting the Stanley Cup. As far as who, what, when, and how will be resolved by November, is anyone’s guess. And that’s the point: there is none. Que sera sera, and we’ll deal with whatever it may be by then.
Two is the most important. Rather than taking up smoking or a diet of fingernails, sit back, relax, and contemplate the reality that our government is as corrupt as it can get before the chaos of a collapse. The details of the Trump Target Practice will change nothing. Who doesn’t think the Secret Service did a really swell job? One can only conclude that it is a lone shooter - or something else. And “they” (Deep State, Elites, WEO, UN, DNC, Nancy Pelosi’s Vodka Dealer) don’t want us to know the “something else.” So we won’t. Not definitively. The whole enchilada will get buried, lost in the predictable and impenetrable fog of the DC swamp. Only the Collectors of Conspiracy Theories (LLC) will have the answers. Theoretically, of course. They, along with the Twin Towers and Building 7 Group, Seth Rich Fan Club, Flight 800 Committee, and the Vince Foster Marcy Park Picnic Goers, will all meet at the Bermuda Triangle Motor Lodge and Putt-Putt Golf Course for their Annual Celebration of the Thoroughly Paranoid and they’ll have a smashing good time!
Time is more constructively and beneficially spent observing events with a practiced eye of understanding and intelligence, with Preparation as the goal. As mentioned in “The Next 100 Days”:
“…the Left’s desperate need to maintain control, not just their insatiable lust for Power. They will go to any extreme to prevent their crimes, extortion, drug, and human trafficking from being exposed to face the accountability of the law and the people who are their victims. The obscene concoction called “the Deep State, a “clandestine network - members of the federal government, especially within the FBI and CIA - working in conjunction with high-level and industrial entities and leaders to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government” is capable of anything - because it fears nothing.
Lotsa folks poo-poo “Deep State” and “Prepper” mentions because that’s where Conspiracy Theories are born! That’s OK. Free Choice includes your own paranoia and what to believe or not. An objective look at recent events and past decades strongly indicates there could be more to seriously consider right now.”
May you live in interesting times.
Some decades ago, I learned this is a Chinese curse, not a spiffy toast for a birthday, wedding, or successful yard sale. It is an English expression claimed to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. The expression is ironic: "interesting" times are usually times of trouble. Despite being so common in English as to be known as the "Chinese curse", the saying is apocryphal. No actual Chinese source has ever been produced.
Irrespective of etymology and linguistics, once understood, one begins observing current events from a more objective perspective, disregarding the cul-du-sac of the “Conspiracy of the Day’. It’s done wonders for my blood pressure and free time!
As Robert Frost wrote, “And it has made all the difference.”
Thanks for rea...well…you know.
New folks, obviously with discerning taste, continue to join our small but dedicated gang of rabble-rousers, troublemakers, and kids who most likely got Detention. Welcome aboard! Browse the Archives. Visit the Comments Section. And please stay off the furniture for now…
Tinfoil Bikini, good one.
I'm personally enjoying the show immensely, it's always fun to watch government/media incompetence and hypocrisy put on full display and I enjoy knowing that a full third of Californians (including my in-laws) believe Trump was in on it and that it was staged. Their skepticism is as warranted as those on the right, not that I think it helps any of them get closer to understand how the real world works, but whatever. The point is that most Americans have so little faith in our institutions that they have a knee jerk reaction and naturally assume they are full of it. Yes, they still eat up propaganda that helps them confirm their own bias, but when it doesn't Oh Boy, then it's time to bust out the popcorn and watch as they freak out.
I'm still trying to come to grips (not literally) with Rachel Maddow in a "tin foil bikini."
Does Rachel wear the tin foil in a flat pattern or does she crinkle up the foil for more of a cubist effect?
Does the tin foil chafe on Rachel's skin or does she put some protective cream under the foil?
Does Rachel recycle her tin bikini to be used to bake potatoes?
Fascinating! Now every time I see Rachel Maddow on TV, I will see her in a tin foil bikini.